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I guess I could call him Brokentail since that what he was called when he died. EHH. Most know him by his infamous name, BROKENSTAR. If you put that name on a normal cat, it sounds quite cool. Brokenstar. Hmm.
ANYWAYS you're here for his last words. Are you not? Well, this is spoken to his mother, Yellowfang right before he died.

Brokenstar: What did you feed me?
Yellowfang: Death berries. You will never hurt anyone again. I am your mother.

Well, that's one way to spit everything out at once, Yellowfang.
Hmm those were pretty amusing last words if id say so: WHAT DID YOU FEED ME YOU LITTLE CREEP?! Here's is the rating from Curl

(nice job brokenstar, you get a fish! 🐟)

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