I'm not ok - BakuKami angst

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Haven't been feeling great lately, so I'll probably be writing more stuff like this again, which won't be out for a long time but still.

TW: suicide attempt


Denki wasn't doing very well, he hadn't been for a while. He tried to keep smiling for his friend's sake, but it was hard when they were constantly putting him down for trying to make them laugh. Of course, he never told them how much it got to him, never told them that even when short-circuited he heard everything they said about him, he didn't want to make them feel guilty, because sure it hurt him, but it made them happy, and that was all that mattered.

He just hoped they would still be able to smile without him.

He wished that wasn't the only thought that made him hesitate, he wished he had more reasons to stay alive than just being comic relief for his classmates, but there wasn't anything else, not even the prospect of becoming a hero one day, that didn't seem to matter anymore. It's not as if he would've been a very good hero anyway, everyone else in the hero course had a whole lot more potential than he ever did, he would've probably just ended up being in the way, like he often was during training.

There weren't any specific people to keep him there either, sure he had some friends, like the Bakusquad, but he was never all that close with any of them, well other than Bakugou and Kirishima, but he just annoyed Bakugou anyway, and he was like ninety-eight percent sure everyone else mostly just saw him as a phone charger, they probably wouldn't miss him. His parents were hardly ever around, what with his mom being a hero and his dad traveling a lot, and they never tried to call him or anything, so he doubted they'd even know he was gone, let alone care.

He picked up his phone to send a goodbye text to the 1-A group chat, which Iida had insisted they make so he could easier make announcements and such, but had become a meme chat thanks, primarily, to him and Mina, turning his phone off afterward as to not have to see the replies.

Electricity began to gather in and around his hand, growing brighter as he added more, bright enough that Denki almost closed his eyes. He felt like he should be crying, I mean he was about to end his life, but he wasn't, he couldn't, no tears would come as he slowly moved his hand over his heart.

Just before he could send one million volts of electricity at his heart, the door flew open, literally flying across the room, and then a hand grabbed his wrist forcing his hand away. "What the hell are you thinking!" Bakugou yelled, his voice shaking slightly, was it from anger or something else?

Denki couldn't answer, he just stared into Bakugou's bright red eyes, were those tears? For him? Was Bakugou crying over him? "Fucking answer me, Dunce-face! You should have talked to someone, you could've come to me, this is never the answer!" Bakugou said.

"I'm sorry..." It came out as a whisper and he found that was all he could say, so he repeated it, tears finally brimming in his eyes. And then he was crying and Bakugou was holding him.

"Never try anything like this again, you hear me? I don't want to lose you..." The last bit was barely audible but Denki still heard it.


(Original note) Look, I just love BakuKami, okay? Loud blondes for the win!

Yeah, it's kinda become my otp, KiriDeku's not far behind tho.

Written: 2-23-2021
Word count: 570
Posted: 11-8-2021

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