You're More important - BakuKami angst/fluff

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Honestly favorite one, really proud of it.


It was late, but Denki couldn't sleep. Even with his boyfriend next to him, his mind wouldn't shut up and let him sleep, or leave him alone at all. He hated nights like this, the nights when every hurtful word ever said to him would flood his thoughts. Jokes about his quirk, and his grades but there were also more specific jokes, those came from his friends and even the boy who lay next to him. He knew they weren't meant to be mean, they were jokes, but they still hurt.

It wasn't his fault he couldn't control his quirk, he was trying! And he studied until he felt like crying but he still couldn't understand a lot of things. He couldn't control the other things either, they were just who he was, he was loud, and talkative, and annoyed his friends a lot, he was disruptive and got in the way when he short-circuited during training.

His thoughts had been spiraling all night long, normally he would go to Bakugo at times like these, even if he didn't tell him what was going on in his head he always helped, but he didn't want to wake him up. He didn't want to make him hate him, the guy really loved his sleep. It didn't matter how bad it was, or that he wanted to hurt himself, he could handle it, it was almost morning anyway.

"Shut up," a tired and grumpy voice mumbled and Denki jumped when a hand landed heavily on his chest.

"Sorry," Denki mumbled even though he hadn't realized he was talking. A head of fuzzy blond hair moved and a pair of narrowed red eyes locked on him.

"The hell are you still awake for? What's going on?" Bakugo asked, propping himself up on his elbow so he could better see the electric user.

"It's nothing, don't worry I'm sorry I woke you."

"Yeah 'cause that's reassuring." Bakugo said with an eye roll, "you said you could handle it that it was almost morning anyway, now tell me what's wrong."

Denki hesitated and Bakugo narrowed his eyes at him again effectively getting him to talk, "it's just my stupid brain not letting me sleep."

"What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing, it doesn't matter."

"Denki," It was said almost as a warning, and it was effective. Bakugo only said his real name when he was serious about something, usually when he was worried, otherwise he used nicknames like Lightning Bug, Sparks or Sparky, and sometimes, Babe or Baby, though not a lot, he'd dropped Dunce-Face once they'd started to get closer and he figured out it was hurtful, he even got after anyone who still called him that, namely Jiro.

"I can't stop thinking about what people have said to and about me," Bakugo raised an eyebrow and Denki elaborated, "about my grades and quirk and stuff, but it's fine, it doesn't matter, I'm just being stupid." Denki looked away from the explosive blond as he spoke.

"You're not stupid, stop calling yourself that," Bakugo said with a small sigh, sitting up since he could tell this wasn't going to be a quick conversation. "What specifically are you thinking about?"

Denki sat up too. "Back when we first joined U.A. when Jiro said I'd only ever be nothing more than someone's sidekick," Denki stared down at his hands while he spoke, twisting his fingers together as a distraction. "the sports festival, the first time you called me Dunce-Face, the last test we had that I failed, and everyone's reactions to it, you forcibly activating my quirk the day we moved into the dorms-still don't know how you did that so I could be a distraction for you, the fact that for some season I want to zap myself with my quirk," Bakugo's eyes widened at that but Denki didn't see.

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