Chapter 2

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The Owl House finally come to view, and regret filled my body. I landed a few feet away, so they wouldn't see me coming. As I stared at the house I started to come up with a small speech in my head. I had to try to sound sincere, so they wouldn't attack me. With everything I did to that human I wouldn't doubt that I end up with a purple eye. 

As I began walking towards The Owl House, Rascal began chirping. I told him to be quiet, but then something grabbed my foot, and I was upside down. I looked at the creature that had gotten me, in fear, as it looked at me with a sinister smile.

"What are you doing, hoot hoot?," it asked.

"What the hell are you?!" I asked.

He cocked his head to side, as I heard a door open behind me. Rascal was sitting on my bag, but quickly flew off towards the sound. I recognized the voice that began talking, and it pissed me off.

"Hooty? What are you- who is that?!" the human yelled.

Before I could do anything, the one called Hooty, let go of me. I let out a curse, as I landed on my side. I looked up to find the human running towards us with Rascal flying behind her, but then she stopped in her tracks. She stared at me in schock and then anger. I got up and put my hands up to show that I was no threat, but I could tell she didn't buy it.

"What are you doing here?" she growled. 

"I'm not here to attack you, I just want to talk," I explained.

"Yeah right! Like I would believe you!"

"Please, I have nowhere else to go,"

"Luz, what is all that yelling?" a voice from inside the house asked.

The Owl Lady walked out the door with a bowl, and a confused look. Once she landed her eyes on me she dropped the bowl and came towards us. I began to panic a little, so I grabbed my staff and took a defensive stance. The human took a quick step back, but the Owl Lady came over to defend her.

"Put the staff down kid, let's talk this out!" the Owl Lady said.

"Thats what I have been trying to do, but the human dosen't let me!"I yelled

The Owl Lady looked at the human then back at me. She let out a sigh, and losend up her defensive stance. The human looked shock, as she looked from her teacher to me.

"You may come inside, but if you try anything I will have no other choice but to hurt you, understand?" she said.

I stared at her for a moment before lowering my staff. Rascal quickly flew towards me and chirped happily. I gave him a small smile before following the Owl Lady into her home. The human kept a close eye on me from behind, but I completly ingnored it.

When I walked inside everything was mess. There were stacks on stacks of books everywhere, and papers with gliffs that were either on the wall or on the floor. Not only that but there were potions and other weird things on the shelves and walls. It stragenly felt confortable being in such a messy room.

The Owl Lady signaled me to the couch, with a small creature sleeping on it. I made sure not to wake him up as I sat down.

"So....why have you come?," the Owl Lady asked.

"My uncle has kicked me out of his palace," I began, "I have been falling him way to much, so he decided to replace I don't know where to stay. I came here to ask for help. I know you may not find that appeling, but it was the only place I could think off for some reason"

I looked up to find some sorta answer in the human's teacher, but she just stared at me in concern. The human looked at me a bit before looking up at her teacher waiting for her to talk

"Listen kid, I may not trust you at all right now , but from the little you told me I can tell that you were raised in very bad enviroment," she said.

I looked at the ground thinking on what she just said. Bad enviroment? What could she mean by that?

"You will be able to stay, as long as you help around the house. " she said.

That quickly gave me hope. I looked at the Owl Lady, who was smiling, and then turned towards the human expecting to see some sorta annoyance or hatred towards the idea, but instead there was a smile.

"But you will also have to win our trust, so don't expect us to be so open towards you, undersand?"

Rascal chirped excitingly, as I smiled with relief.

"Thank you....and I'm also sorry about everything I have done towards you guys. I know a sorry my not solve anything but.."

"It's a start! Don't worry about it Hunter! " the human said, "I'm....also sorry about the way I reacted out there"

"Don't worry about it human," I said, with a smile.

"Can you stop with the human thing! My name is Luz!" she said.

" about I don't,"

"I can still beat your ass, you know?!"

"In your dreams!"

"Okay, okay! It's to late for this, and.... you just woke up King," the Owl Lady said , with a sigh.

The small creature next to me began stretching itself. He had a skull for a head that I would admit is very cute.

"Is it breakfast time already!" King said, jumping off the couch.

"No, not yet King, it's the middle of the night, you can go back to sleep," the Owl Lady said.

"Wait-really?! Yay!"

The small creature jumped back on the couch, unaware that I wad sitting on it. He curled up into a ball, and quickly fell asleep.

"Isn't he cute?!" Luz whispered.

I stared at King for moment and mentally agreed with her. We stayed there for a moment, watching King sleep, until Rascal began pulling on my hair.

"I guess little Rascal wants you to pay attention to him~" Luz said.

I looked at the small bird as he pulled on my hair. I extended my hands out, and he landed on it.

"Luz, can you take our guest to the closet at the back of the house," the Owl Lady said, walking off.

"Closet?!" I said

"Yes ma'am!" Luz said,"Follow me Hunter, and calm down, it's not as bad as it sounds"

I grabed my bags, which somehow got inside the house, and followed the human. Every turn I took I saw alot more weird, but stragely comforting things. Luz pointed at one of the doors at the end of a hallway, and I coutiously walked towards it. There were a few brooms, but enough room for me.

"Hopefully you will be able to make this look home-y. I'll let you settle in. See ya at dinner, okay?"

And with that the human left.

Maybe.....I will like it here....


"Tell me Eda, why did you let him in?," I asked, curiously

"It's like what you always say Luz, 'Us weirdos have to stick together' and he is definetly a weirdo," she said, with a smile.

I looked at her and smiled back.

"Yeah, your right!"

Hopefully you liked this fluffy chapter! Hope you have a good day/night!!!

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