Chapter 6

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Hunter's POV

The lagoon looked completly different now that I looked at it in the daytime. The flowers around the shore seem to shimer with the suns rays, and the breeze brought the scent to my nose. Rascal sat on  my head for a bit then began flying around. I smiled a bit as I watched the palisman fly around having fun.

I had been feeling more at peace now that I ever was before. I knew I had only been with the Owl Lady and human for a few days, but it already felt better than my life up in the palace I layed back on the grass and closed my eyes letting the breeze move my hair back and forth.

Edric's POV

He just layed there so peacefull, and I coudln't help but smile. I felt a bit creepy just starring at him, but who wouldn't want to stare at that cute face. As I moved in closer to get a better look a twig snapped under my foot, and he sat up. He looked around, and a red palisman flew over to him turning into a staff. He was so calm, and I just had to ruin it.

"Who's there? Come out where I can see you!" he said.

I slowly walked out, and he pointed the staff at me before freezing up a bit. I put my hands up, playfully.

"Wow, wow! I come in peace! Why are you always so tense?" I asked, smiling.

"Why are you always following me?" he said.

"Put the staff down, and we can talk this out"

"I don't think I will"

We stood there for a moment before I began walking towards him. I could see the panic on his face, as I got closer to him. 

Hunter's POV

Why was he walking closer?! I didn't know what to do, so I kept the staff pointed at him, but he didn't stop walking. He finally stopped at the point of my staff, and just smiled at me. I felt my heart do a jump, as I just stared at him. I slowly put the staff down, and he reached out for me. I quickle backed up.

"Can you stay still for a moment? You have a leaf on your hair," he said.

He reached out again, and I froze in place. He smiled at the leaf he pulled out of my hair, and let it fall. Rascal turned back to his bird form, and landed on Edric's hair. Edric looked up and smiled.

"Guess I'm the chosen one!" he said.

He was such a strange person. He got distracted by little thing so quickly. He began palying around with Rascal as soon as he took off flying, and totally forgot that I existed. Even during school he didn't focus on the world around him unless it's his companions or family. He just didn't care for what other people taught or expected from him. He was completly different from me.

Rascal flew over the lagoon, and Edric chased after him without realizing the water. He tripped on a rock, and began falling. I panicked, and began running towards him. I grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him back. I stood next to him as he fell onto the ground, crawiling away from the lagoon. Rascal landed on my head, and made a chirping noise that sounded like laughing.

"Oh Titan....I could have...poof!" he said, sounding shoked.

"Are you stupid?! Why didn't you watch where you were going?!" I yelled.

He looked up at me, and then at the lagoon. He looked frigthen,  but then laughed. I stared at him confused. Why the hell was he laughing at?

"I'm serious!"

"No, I know! I just...I was just paying attention to your little palisman, which is cute by the way, and I didn't notice," he said, "Good thing you were there to save me, so thank you!"

I felt my face go hot, and Rascal began to chirp again. I looked up at him, and glared at him knowing what he was doing.

"Anyway, I think I'm going to head back home before my mom gets mad at me for being late" he said.

He got up, dusted himself off, and started to walk off. Part of me was relieved he was leaving, but another part felt the opposite. He then suddenly stopped and turned back towards me.

"If you want to hang out tomorow we can meet up here right after school! Or maybe not, tha-that's fine too," he said, smiling akwardly.

I stared at him for a moment, and Rascal chirped again before turning into staff. I let out a sigh.

"I'll think about," I said.

His akward smilled quickly turned into a overjoyed one. I smiled a bit not being able to help myslef, and sat on the staff.

"Alright then! See ya Goldie!" he said, dissapering into the forest.

I rolled my eyes, and began heading back to the Owl House. The whole ride I couldn't stop smiling.

Hello my Trixsters!  Hopefully you like thos chapter! And if you have to know, it is currently one in the morning, so yay! Also! I am working on an original writting with my own characters and all! I don't know when I'm gonna post it, but if  you guys would enjoy reading something like that then hopefully I meet your expectentions!

Anyway, hopefully you have a good day/night! See ya soon!!

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