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The boys were on their way to record a new project to show fans, the "ENHYPEN'S mini Olympics", they didn't know what they had to do yet, but they were all excited.
Given that they were olympics, they assumed it was some kind of sport or game, and they were curious if they would do something they had already done in "ENHYPEN & Hi" or the "playground" episodes with TOMORROW X TOGETHER, or something completely new.
They were divided in two vans, today it was hyung line in one, and maknae line in the other one.
Jake and Heeseung were in their own world, cuddling in the back seats while Jay and Sunghoon were sharing something on their phones and friendly arguing about it.
"What are you two being so loud for? Save your voices for later, I already know it will be chaos, so please, lower your voices. And I also don't want you to disturb Jakey, he is napping." Heeseung says, hand intertwined with Jake's, while the younger had his head on his shoulder, eyes closed.
"Ohh, our hyung doesn't want us to wake his boyfie up, that's why, you don't really care about us losing our voices!" It's Jay's remark, with a teasing grin.
"Shut up!! It's not that!! Stop with the teasing, pabo." He replies with a shy smile, turning his head towards Jake and watching him with loving eyes.
"Hyung, don't be embarassed, we all already know you love Jake more than us, it's not a surprise." Sunghoon gets in the way, siding with Jay "but just so you know, I  am the soulmate, so I know he won't get up or mad because of us. " he adds.
Heeseung just laughs "yeah I know, but still, don't be so loud."
Hearing the three of them, Jake decides to not open his eyes, and continue fake sleep, hugging Heeseung with his free arm, he loves when they bicker playfully like this, he feels loved.


They finally arrived in their filming spot and, how they imagined, it looks like a school gym.
Heeseung starts waking Jake up, with his free hand he takes his face and kisses his cheek, once, twice, three times, until Jake doesn't start laughing and starts moving because it tickles .
"Aah, so you weren't sleeping!" He starts tickling him on his waist, holding him in place with his other arm, Jake now laughing loud and almost screaming.
"No! Hyung stop hahaha please hyung hahaha noo" the younger is out of breath, begging the other to stop.
Meanwhile, Jay and Seunghoon were fake gagging and mocking them in the front seats, then looked at each other and decided to leave the car "lovebirds, hurry up and get off, otherwise we'll be late with the schedule" shouts the older of the two.
"We are coming" says a laughing, weary Jake. "We have to go, be a good hyung and be responsible, our ACE" he says to Heeseung, still smiling.
"Yes yes, let's go! Why are you so cute?" He sighs, pecking the younger on the lips "it's the cheeks" Jake replies with a smug grin, moving the seats so he could get off the car, the older following him, he hasn't even placed his feet on the ground that Jake immediately takes his hand to run inside and start preparing for the shoot.


They just finished filming "ENHYPEN'S mini Olympics" and it ended up with Heeseung and Ni-Ki winners because the member didn't guess both the spies.
Jake felt so betrayed by Heeseung, he was so happy to make dominos with him, only to be betrayed like that.
"Waaa, hyung!! I can't believe you betrayed me like that! All my hard work! You did it on purpose, you told Ni-Ki to drop the dominos!!" Heeseung nods while laughing, he knew no one would find out about him being a spy, except that at the end he let himself slip and they found out, even tho in the end they won anyway because Riki was also a spy. Seeing Jake's sad smile made him feel bad, so he went to hug him and "I am sorryyy" he said, still laughing for the cameras, then he lowered his voice and whispered to Jake's ear "I am sorry Jaeyun-ah, it's not my fault, they chose me because they know I don't let it show when I am lying or not during games. I didn't know you would choose me to make dominos together, I thought you would choose Sunghoonie" he tries to be as subtle as possible - knowing that eventually if the editors see something they'll just cut it - and kiss his temple, "sorryyy, don't pout like that, you make me wanna kiss you and you know we can't"
"Mmh, yeah yeah, let's listen to what the pdnims have to say"
Like that, they prepared to film a video for "Not for Sale" with their baby blue sweatsuits and the camera moving and focusing on all the members.

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