I will call it a draw

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I walk over to the equipment with my head down making sure Bucky didn't see me blush.

I take some hand wraps and start wrapping them around my arm making its way to my hands.

I begin wrapping my other arm but Bucky stops me. "You're doing it wrong. It's too loose" he says unwrapping the cloth. "Hey, I can do it myself thank you very much." I snatch my hand away. "Alright if you say so." he smirks walking to the punching bag.

I start doing it again but the more I try, the more the fabric gets tangled up and I can't move my hands. "Need help" I see him leaning on the wall with his hands crossed smiling. "no...yeah." I say the last bit quietly but he still hears. "I'm sorry doll, I didn't hear you" he smirks yet again.

Sometime I wish I could just punch his stupid, handsome, little face. "I need your help" I repeat wanting my hands untied. "I still didn't hear you."

"Oh, don't push your luck"

"Fine I will help you now, even though I offered before."

He grabs an end of a cloth and begins to untie my hands. his metal hand lightly grazed my arm and my stomach fills with butterflies from the cold touch. I try to act normal while I'm freaking out inside. Why am I acting like this? He just accidentally touched my arm.

"Are you having a staring contest with the wall?"

I realise that I haven't blinked and my eyes start to feel dry so I close my eyes quickly. "No, I'm just thinking" I answer

"About what?"

you... "Just stuff"

"And that is wh-"

"None of your business" I finish his sentence a bit late.

He chuckles finishing the hand wraps. "There you go, what do you say?" raising his eyebrows with a cocky grin. "Oh shut up." I respond laughing.

We walk over to the punching bag and I stand in front of it with my hands on my waist "Right, I have no idea what to do." I sigh letting my arms flop to my side. "Well first of all, get into a good fighting stance." after saying that, he grabs my waist and moves me into position. Shit, why is he doing this. My face turns bright red but luckily he didn't see because he was behind me.

"Now punch." he says, slowly letting to of my waist. That's weird.


"come on, just punch the fucking thing!"

"I don't want to break my hands or something like that."

"You won't. that's what the hand wraps are for!"

"What? these little bits of fabric!"

"Oh my fucking gosh. Just punch the damn bag already!"


As soon as my fist meets the bag, it falls down to the ground with sand spilling out. Both of our eyes go wide. "I- wow. I didn't know I could do that!" I chuckle nervously with my had on my neck. "Good first go... try not to do that though." Bucky says pointing at the broken punching bag.

"Ummm, yeah, I'll try to. Guess I underestimated how strong I was... by like a lot!"

"That's ironic"

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"You think when you hit the bag you are going to break your hand but you break the bag instead."

you nod your head and then laugh at the comment you thought to say. "Why don't me and you have a 1 on 1."

"I don't think so doll, I would beat you in 2 seconds." he says putting a hand on my shoulder walking toward the door. That's new and I need to get used to him calling me that.

"What if I beat you in 1" I question smirking. He turns his face to look at me with his hand still on my shoulder. "Well then that would not be possible" he shoots back. "Like beating someone in 2 seconds is." I roll my eyes. "It is when that person is you" He smiles.

"Oh whatever, I'm going to go now so I can think of a way to fight you and win since you say you're "unbeatable"" I do air quotes when I say unbeatable. "I didn't say I was unbeatable."

"You basically did. And you can take your hand off my shoulder now." I respond smiling smugly.

"Oh, shut up."

I begin to walk out but get stopped by his voice. "Aren't you forgetting something doll?" he said and licked his lips after. What is he talking about?

I furrow my brows in confusion. "Steve's water bottle." He answers himself.

"Oh right! thanks"

I walk in the room standing next to him looking over the room to find it. "It's on the desk with the flowers next to the window" he points, smiling as he puts on his shirt. "Okay. thanks again" I laugh picking up the bottle. I walk over to the door to see Bucky holding open the door for me. "Here you go madam" his free arm gestures for me to walk through. "Thank you very much kind sir." I curtsey.

I wait for him to come through and begin walking beside him to the lift. We walk at a very slow pace talking about who would win in a fight between us. I suddenly thin of a funny idea.

"Last one to the lift is Steve's errand person!" I shout, Running toward the end of the hallway. I quickly glance behind me to see Bucky standing still with wide eyes processing what I said. I glance behind me again to see Bucky right behind me. I stand still from shock. He stops where i am and a big smile makes its way to his face.

Suddenly he picks me up bridal style and begins running again. We both burst out laughing. We get into the lift and he puts me down. "There. No one is Steve's errand person." he says pushing a button on the wall. "Well technically I got in first because you were carrying me in front of you..." Bucky rolls his eyes smiling. "...But I will call it a draw."

We continue talking as we make our way to the second floor. I don't know what's up with him today but he is really friendly. Maybe something happened or It's some kind of event. I wish he was like this everyday, His smile and laugh is so beautiful.

We walk into the kitchen laughing. Surprisingly Steve was still there but reading a book instead of eating breakfast. "Here you go Steve!" I say as I place his botte in front of him. "thanks." he responds. he looks up from his book at us and smirks.

"What were you two laughing at?" Steve asks.

"Nothing" we both say in unison.

"And I thought you two hated each other?"

"I don't hate him"          "I don't hate her"     We both talk at the same time.

Steve smiles knowing what he has done.

I smile a bit knowing Bucky doesn't hate me and I see him do the same.

"I just dislike him a little bit" I finish. Bucky chuckles, rolling his eyes.

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