Take me instead

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Bucky's POV

I wish I could go instead. I wish I could go instead. I wish I could go instead. ...wait, I wish I could go instead.

I move to my bathroom and splash my face with water so I didn't look like I was crying and made my way down to Tony's lab.

"Tony where are you. Come out now, I need to speak with you."

"I'm here, what do you want? make it quick though,  I need to get back to eating my blueberries"

"Take me instead."

"You do realise you have to elaborate, I have no idea what you are talking about"

"The mission, that Y/n is going on. Take me instead. I will go"

"I'm sorry pal but it's too late she has already decided to go."

"Cancel it and take me instead. I want to go."

"Even if you wanted to go, I wouldn't let you go. You have had your experience with H.Y.D.R.A, and there is no doubt they will spot you right away."

"Please Tony, I don't want her to go, She won't be safe"

"I'm sorry, but there is nothing that even I can do. Fury already knows that Y/n is going on the mission and won't let me change anything. Sorry bud"

With that I turned around. There is nothing I can do. I feel so stupid.

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