Alana's perspective
We were hiding in Ochi's ship in the middle of nowhere I felt sick that I killed Chewie. I was in pain I yelled in pain. "Alana, are you okay Finn asked me." "No I'm not saids, Alana." "Then tell me saids, Finn" I just collapse in pain. I woke up Finn and Poe we're there. "Oh thank god we thought we lost you saids, Poe?" "I think it's time I tell you guys saids, Alana." "Tell us what saids, Finn" "I'm pregnant." Then I just ran away, Finn and Poe were shocked. "Did you know about this Poe asks Rey" "yes I knew saids, Rey." "Who's the dad Finn asks?" "you are saids, Rey" "me saids, Finn." He left to find Alana? "You alright Poe Rey asks." "Yeah I'm fine saids, Poe" "Alana saids, Finn." "What she saids," "I'm happy for us saids, Finn." "Are you, or are you mad that I hid it from you and Poe saids, Alana." "Yes I am saids, Finn." He pulls Alana in for a hug. "How far long are you Finn asks" "7 weeks saids, Alana." "Guys were heading to Kijimi saids, Poe "Okay saids, Alana." They land in Kijimi "Alana you stay here saids, Poe." "Okay brother be careful saids, Alana" Poe leaves. "There everywhere saids, Rey." They make a move "We're almost there saids, Poe" Somebody pulled a trigger on them. "We can talk about this saids, Poe" "Guys this is Zori, Zori Rey and Finn." "I wanna see your Brians in the snow; your old friend here was running spice so was Alana." "Your we're a spice runner saids, Finn." "You were a stormtrooper" "You were a scavenger we can do this all night saids, Poe." "We don't have all night; you know you let me here all alone when you and Alana went to join the resistance. To meet two friends that wanna kill you saids, Zori." "Don't try me saids, Rey" "Oh I will saids, Zori." Rey took down all the enemies. "We could use your help saids, Rey." "But I don't think you care saids, Zori." "I do saids, Rey" as she holds out her hand. Zori leads the team to babu frick Poe checks in with Alana. Zori comes back down "Who were you hanging out with that speaks sith," Zori asks. "Babu can you make him translate it Poe asks" Zori speaks to Babu. "It will cause a complete memory wipe 3po says." "Memory go blank Babu says." "There must be some other way 3po says" "You know the odds better than any of us do, we have a choice Rey says" "If this mission fails; it was all for nothing 3po says." "All we've done all this time 3po says." He turns around "What you doing there 3po Poe asks?" "taking one last look sir, at my friends 3po says." "Sad saids Deo." "Night raids starting I'll keep watch saids, Zori" "I'm coming with you saids, Poe." Zori chuckles "I don't trust you saids, Zori." "Do you even trust me Poe asks?" "nope saids, Zori." They leave.
Alana's Big Secret
AdventureAlana is engaged to Finn and also pregnant with his child. She needs to tell Finn, her brother Poe, and her master Rey about it. Find out when she decides to spill the news in "Alana's Big Secret," a book with themes for each chapter. Also, check ou...