Chapter 17 Alana vs Palpatine/Lando you did it

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"do not fear the feeble attack my faithful not that you are stop the end of the sith" his lightning goes into the sky causing the X-wings to malfunction. "R2 my systems are falling does anyone copy Poe asks" Alana turned around and saw everything falling "be with me be with me" till the sky was black "Be with me" Alana's voice echoes "These are your final steps rise and them Alana, Alana, Alana bring back the balance as I did Alana in the night find the light."Alana be alone "Never have you have Yoda says" "you are not alone Alana every Jedi that lives in you now lives in you Alana the force surrounds you" "Alana let it guide you as it guided us feel the force flowing through you let it guide you raise Alana." "Rise in the force Palpatine says" "the heart of a Jedi lies her strength Rise, Rise Alana the force will be with you always" "your not alone love Finn says" "We're here for you Lans Poe says." "We're here for you Alana Rey says." Alana gets back to her feet and nights her lightsaber Alana looks mad at Palpatine "the lightning stops let your death be the final word in the story of the rebellion Palpatine says" Alana uses her lightsaber to block the lightning, "Lando, you did it you did it Finn says" "nice flying Lando" "take em all out Poe says." "You are nothing a resistance girl is no match for the power in me" "I am all the sith" "do it Alana do it do it do it Do it, Alana take him down." "Do it Alana Finn says" "do it Lans Poe says" "do it Alana Rey says" "do it cauz Ben says"

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