Dear Beloved

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"And this my dear is why I leave you."

I drop to my knees, unable to keep reading as the tears start pouring down my face. "Why?" I hiccup, "Why did you leave me here alone?"

Clutching the letter to my chest I sob uncontrollably for a few minutes until I can't shed any more tears.

Smoothing out the letter, I continue to read, despite the fact that I don't want to.

"Dear Beloved,

No matter where I am or where I go, I will always love you. with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all of my being."

Breaking down, I stifle my gasps with my hand and again continue reading.

"No matter what obstacles get in my way and separate us, I will overcome them and find my way back to you. Even death cannot separate us.

If you are reading this letter, then I am already dead. But I have one more promise to fulfill before I leave you for the unknown; the truth of who, and more importantly, what I am.

I may have been your better half and true love, but that was just a cover for me. Everything I told you was true except for what I am, I am no mere person. I am an outcast, a loner, I was left for dead by my family and was overcome with grief that I had transformed myself into something more.

I had exchanged my soul in return for one thing; revenge. By exchanging my soul I became ruthless, I became unattached. I had become the one thing that I had hated more than anything else; a demon.

By now I am sure that someone has arrived and told you of my past and what I have done. I am sorry I could not bring myself to tell you. Your heart and soul are the purest I have ever met, and I wanted to keep it that way. I thought that if I stayed in the human world long enough I could wipe the taint off others and be rid of it.

But then I had met you.

You made me realize the truth, that taint could not be destroyed by simply wishing it and it could not be vanquished completely.

You had also made me feel again. you made me remember what it was like to be human; to feel emotions that I had locked away for years.

To most I was seen as broken and unrepairable, but you saw last and chose to help me. You reached out to me in a time of need and helped me through.

For these I am eternally grateful.

Yours for now and ever,

Your Love."

Finishing the letter I clutch it to my chest once more, wishing I could feel his touch one more time. Gently as ever, I feel a hand stroke my cheek and lift my chin. Looking up I come to stare at him, my love.

"Do not cry for me, my beloved. You only need to look to your heart to find me."

With those last words fading on the wind I feel his lips brush mine as he faded into memory.

Clutching his letter tighter I whisper my last promise. "I will see you soon, my love."

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