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I have been locked up for 10,000 years tomorrow. The closer the day comes, the more excited I get. "I finally get to see the world again!" I say aloud to myself, a bad habit I had started in my first 1,000 years.

Patiently I wait for the time to pass, knowing that I haven't waited this long just to be impatient. After all, I have to prove that my imprisonment has changed me, otherwise they'll never let me out. Sitting back down against the wall, I wrap my huge brown wings around myself as a blanket, warming myself up in the cold prison.

Slowly I fall asleep, a smile on my face, thinking about how much the world must have changed since I've been down here. my wings ruffling in excitement of being able to spread out and feel the wind once more.


Waking up I glance around, knowing they should be coming for me shortly. Standing up I walk over to the cell door and call out. Not hearing an answer, only my own voice echoing back at me. I go and sit on the floor beside the door, being careful not to touch it. Absentmindedly I rub my hands where the faint scars are still visible.

A few weeks pass and I am still caged. "Where are they?" I wonder aloud, resting my head in my hands. "Could they have forgotten me? Surely brother wouldn't do that to me, could he?" I rub my face and lean back, shivering as the cold from the stones sink into my back.

Lifting my wings I curl myself up into a ball and surround myself, trying to find warmth in my bones. Slowly I start to cry myself to sleep, my tears soaking into my wings and down into the stones.


A loud banging sound makes me jump awake. Backing up I feel the stones digging into my back. "Why would they be breaking in?" I wonder, "They should have the key to the passage."

Gazing down the hallway I can see sunlight streaming in from the entrance. Even though it's not close by and down multiple turns, I can see the difference in the walls. They spring to life, bringing colour back into the dark cell. I wait, watching as a torchlight comes closer to the cell.

I shut my eyes from the bright light and cover my eyes with my hand, slowly adjusting my eyes to the glare. Faintly I can make out a figure in the light, drawing closer to me with every beat of my heart.

"What are you? Are you an angel?" I hear a man's voice say in wonder. As my eyes adjust I can clearly see him. He is tall, at least 6 feet, wearing clothes I do not recognize. Textured blue material adorns his legs and he wears a striped white and gray shirt overtop. His feet are completely covered by hard plastic and fabric with string holding them together. Looking at his face I can't help but gasp.

"Dardariel? Is that you?" I rush forward looking at him closer. He has Dardariel's eyes, bright ice blue hidden under shoulder length jet black hair. The same sculpted jawline and serious expression on his face.

"Who's Dardariel?" The man asks confused, keeping a serious look on his face. "I am Darien. Who are you? What are you doing here? How did you get here?" He continues to ask, not waiting for me to recover.

"I am Dazielle, sister of Dardariel. What do you mean by how I got here? I have been here for years, surely they haven't forgotten about me?" I hesitate, unsure what else to say. "As for what I am doing here, I was caged here for doing an injustice. I'm sure that they would have told you all about it..." I break off when I see his face break. His face going grave suddenly.

"How long have you been here?" He asks looking straight at me.

"10,000 years." I reply quickly.

"How can that be?" He mumbles, "Humans should only have been here for 8,000 years. Is it possible there was life before the ice age?" Trailing off he starts pacing in front of my cell.

Stepping forward, careful not to touch the door I watch him, his mind turning a mile a minute. I can see that he is at war with himself. Suddenly his face lights up and he walks over to me.

"Why haven't you left?" He asks, clearly trying to get information out of me. Not caring anymore I tell him.

"I wish I could, but I can't, Dardariel placed a ward on the cell, only when the door is opened am I free. Until then, I am trapped." Leaving it at that I watch as he thinks some more.

"If I release you will you do me a favour?" He asks, I can tell he is hiding something from me, but I don't care.

I want out.

"Yes!" I sigh with relief, "Yes, anything you want. I promise."

A mischievous grin crosses his face as I say my promise. "Good. In that case, before I let you out, tell me how to control you. How do I chain you to me so you cannot leave?"

I stare at him astounded and horrified. "No!" I yell at him. As much as I want outside, I still want my freedom, and being chained to him doesn't count.

"In that case you can sit here and rot for another 10,000 years." Turning to leave I see my one hope vanishing.

"Wait!" I scream, "I'll tell you. Just please let me have my freedom." I feel my knees give out as I fall to the ground in front of him. "It's a binding spell."

"What?" He comes back and frowns at me.

"A binding spell. That's how I am trapped here and also my weakness. I cannot break the spell, no matter how hard I try, and believe me, I tried." I absently rub my hands again, stopping when I notice him watching me. "Are you sure you want to do this? I've never done it with another being before."

He nods vigorously, power running through his eyes, turning them even colder.

"Repeat after me." I pause, bringing the words back from the past, remembering them well. "Las sfas nalom A faafc aos saghosom. A niyfal so mfasn ar raso. A faafc aos saghosom. Ramorlom."

With this power I bind us together. I know the risk of fate. I bind us together. Forever.

Slowly he repeats my words and watches with open eyes as a tiny golden thread links itself together and stretches between the two of us. He gasps loudly as the thread connects with his skin. His eyes closing briefly before he opens them again, eyes glowing with uncontrollable power.

The thread reaches out and greets me like an old friend. "Weird." I think in my mind, "Usually new threads are scared of me..." My eyes widen at my next thought, and say my next words aloud, "...that can't be." I look up at Darien, my worst fears coming alive before my eyes.

"Dardariel." I spit out. "You tricked me!"

"Hello sister. I hope you didn't miss me too much." He stares down at me, watching me struggle as he pulls my energy towards himself, away from me.

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