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When you are born, you are born with a birthmark that signifies what you will become famous for. In this time of age, it's not uncommon to be born without a birthmark, though it is rare, but more often than not, the birthmarks have started becoming more and more vague. For instance, a carpenter used to have a hammer and a plumber a plunger, but now, everyone working with tools gets a tool box shape. Nobody knows why it happened, all we know is that it makes everyone wary of certain marks.

Especially mine. My mark is the rarest of all marks ever seen before. Why? Because mine is the only one like mine, nobody in history has ever had it. What is it, you ask?

A spear, but not just any spear. No, that would be too easy. No, mine is a foreign spear. All the way from ancient times, or so Granny told me. Granny always encouraged me to draw spears, thinking that maybe I would be famous for drawing them. Obviously she didn't know I couldn't draw, and little did she know about what truly motivated me.

Only one drawing actually turned out good. It was a simple design, a wooden shaft with small obsidian blade with unknown carvings etched along the blade. At the time, I thought nothing of it, but that was 5 years ago, and a lot changes in 5 years. So here is where my story really begins.

"Sheila! Wait up!" Turning around, I look down the hill at Mavi and watch him struggle up. Once he catches up to me he sits down, sweat running down his face. "Let's take a break." He suggests as he rubs his sleeve across his face. Sitting next to him, I look out over the land we covered already. On the horizon is a small black dot; the village of Aksha, very small, but very crowded.

Mavi sees where I am looking. "Aren't you glad we left? I couldn't wait to get out of there."

Looking over at him, I shrug and continue looking around the countryside while absently running my thumb over my right shoulder; my spear mark.

"Ya, I guess you're right. As busy and crowded as it was, there were actually other people there. People that don't know who you are."

Getting up I start walking down the other side of the hill, leaving him behind letting him know that he's made me mad. Hearing him struggle to catch up with me, I slightly slow my pace allowing him to catch up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way. I meant with your mark and all. No one has ever seen it before." Pausing slightly, he looks over at me and sees that his lite speech has done nothing to allow me to forgive him. "Look Sheila, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it, I swear. We've just been traveling for so long that I lose myself sometimes."

Sighing, I look over and hold out my hand for him to shake. Taking it he relaxes and let's out a pent up breathe. "Thank you for forgiving me Sheila."

Shrugging again, I continue walking, Mavi keeping pace beside me. Unable to stay silent, Mavi talks the entire walk that day, and the next few weeks.

By the third month of traveling, we finally arrive at the ocean side village of Isamai. Pulling my hood up to cover my face, Mavi and me pass through the gates and head towards the weaponry.

"Sheila, tell me again why we travelled all this way." Mavi whispered into my ear. Elbowing him away from me, I put my finger to my mouth telling him to remain silent. I turn away but not before I see a pout firm on his face. Cautiously, I pull my hood down further to hide my eyes and motion for him to do the same.

Trudging through the crowded streets, we finally come upon an abandoned street on the outskirts. As I count the doors to my left, Mavi trails along behind me.

"Sheila? What are we looking for?" He asks. Turning to look at him, I again raise my fingers to my lips indicating for silence for a while longer. Continuing my count, I stop in front of door 8. Looking both ways quickly, I knock on he door.

As it opens, a face of an elderly man enters my view. I notice his eyes widen as he sees me standing there. As quick as he opened the door, he tried to close it, but unable to as my foot was already inside. Pushing the door open, me and Mavi enter the house, all the while the elderly man walks backwards, keeping a wary eye on us.

"What are you doing here?" He asks worriedly. "You're suppose to be dead. They killed you!"

Lowering my hood, I walk closer to him until we are nose to nose. Slowly I shake my head at him and lower the collar of my shirt to show my mark, or what's left of it. Turning to the side I motion for Mavi to come forward.

"They tried to kill her, yes, but they couldn't. She'd just heal right away, so instead, they cut her mark. Peeled it from her skin. They cut so deep that it couldn't grow back."

The man looked at me in horror. "So then the rumors are true." He whispered in awe and terror.

Getting anxious, I motion to my scar again, and Mavi speaks hurriedly. "Where's the spear? We know it's here." he demanded.

Watching him closely, I follow as he walks through the house to a set of stairs leading down. The man walks down the stairs and goes to the left towards a locked storage room. There he pulls a key out and unlocks the door. Stepping into the room I see all kinds of locked away treasures; from knives to spears, pottery to art. hidden at the back of the room, I see the spear.

"Legend says that this spear will either save or destroy us and that only one person can ever use it. So you can see why everyone is skeptical and doesn't trust you. I just hope that you choose to keep your humanity rather than sell your soul for revenge." He says as he reaches forward for the spear then turning and handing it to me.

Taking the spear, I feel this new energy flow through my whole body. My fingertips tingle while my feet thrum with the need to run.

Leading the way back upstairs, I hold the spear close to my chest. For as long as I could remember, I always knew exactly where the spear was and the condition it was in. The wooden shaft, the obsidian blade with the unknown carvings; everything about this spear was familiar to me.

By the time we reached the living room again, the energy that was pulsing through my veins had dispersed and disappeared enough for me to be calm and collected. I look over at Mavi and smile, taking him by surprise, mainly because I never smile, but also because I can now speak.

"I can't believe I have this in my hands. You have no idea how torturous it was for me to be separated from it." Gently I caress a single carving on the blade. Looking back over to the elderly man I thank him and turn to leave, but not before giving him a parting gift. "Here, for all your troubles of keeping this safe and out of the wrong hands."

Opening the small pouch I gave him he slowly pulls out a coin. His eyes widen and he shoved the pouch back at me. "Take it back! I can't be seen with this. This is cursed money. Those who keep it die within 24 hours."

Frowning, I take the pouch back and pull out a coin to observe it. "Looks fine to me." I shrug, then swiftly I swing the spear around and stab him through the stomach. "You should have kept the money." I caution him, It could have actually protected you from this fate, and besides I've already lost my humanity long ago."

I hear Mavi gasp behind me and as I turn I see him slowly backing away from me. "Sheila, y-you just k-killed him." he stated shocked.

"Yes Mavi, I did. Now that I have my spear I have all my powers and reflexes at tiptop shape." Taking a step towards him, I smirk as he takes a step back. "Now I have no use for you either. See, these past 5 years I was just using you to get my spear. It was so easy too! You are so gullible, I made you believe that my own family had tried to kill me. Or that everyone who came across me had tortured me, and I did it all without speaking."

I watch as Mavi absorbs my words, processing through everything I just told him.  "But, then how did you get all those scars? Why are you so hated?"

"Well, let's see." I say, raising the spear high enough for him to see the blood on the blade. "Scars were easy enough to make myself. The one in my mark though, that one was harder. As for the fear, well, that's just how my power affects people."

Still walking towards Mavi, he backs up until he hits the wall. Cornering him I lean in real close and whisper in his ear. "Well now that you know everything, I must kill you." quickly and swiftly I stab the spear into his knee causing him to cry out in pain. "But first, I think I need to have a little fun."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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