Daily Struggles

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"Guess what day it is!" The excited day yells across the room.

"Ugh, not again." Most of them groan, burying their heads in their hands or on the table in front of them.

"Hump Day!" Screams back Saturday as she walks into the room and takes her seat at the table. "Miss me?" She asks, then without waiting for an answer continues, "Of course you did, everyone misses me."

"Just sit down and shut up, would you? I was trying to sleep." Monday lifts her head, her hair thrown haphazardly into a bun on top of her head. Glaring at Saturday, Monday continues. "Just because you're a weekend day doesn't mean you're better than everyone else." She spits out venomously and lowers her head back down onto her folded arms, leaning across the whole table.

"Ignore Monday, Sat. She's always grumpy in the morning." Tuesday explains and goes to sit between Monday and Wednesday as Saturday smooths down her shirt.

"How do you survive with those two Tuesday? I can barely handle Saturday alone, never mind those two opposites." Sunday exclaims as she raises her head from her hands. Quickly covering her mouth with her hand, a shocked expression on her face she apologizes. "I'm so sorry Sat, I didn't mean it."

"It's fine Sun, I completely understand, I'm just thankful it's not me waking up sick." Sat pauses, a pained look on her face as she looks down at Sunday. "Right, sorry about that...I'll try to be better next time."

"It's OK Sat, I'm sure Friday has done some stuff like that to you too. Oh! Sorry Fri! I didn't see you come in." Sun looks over embarrassed as Friday clears his throat.

"Apology accepted Sunday, no need to worry." Friday pushes his glasses up on his face then proceeds to push his hair behind his ears. "Besides, its true. I have put Saturday through some pretty bad times."

"Ya! I remember this one time-" Sat starts.

"Let's get on with it already. I want to go home." Thursday interrupts, slamming his hands into the table and standing up. "I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one thinking this, right Mon?"

Without lifting her head Monday gives a thumbs up.

"Ooh! What are we talking about this time Friday? Is it about how amazing I am? Because I think everyone already knows that, but just in case you don't. I'm amazing." Wednesday grins at Friday then turns to talk again but is cut off when Thursday throws his hand over Wednesday's mouth.

"Shut up and let Fri talk, would you?" Nodding to Friday to start, Thursday removes his hand from Wednesday's mouth.

"Now that we are all here we have important business to discuss." Friday stops and pushes his glasses up his nose before continuing. "As you all know, humans have been having an affect on each of us. I will admit, I have even now started noticing this within myself."

Everyone looks around at each other, with the exception of Monday, whose head is still on her arms.

Leaning over Tuesday, Wednesday flicks Monday's ear, causing her o jump up with a yelp. Glaring over at him she takes her seat again and mutters an apology waving for Friday to continue.

"As we know from the past, this-disease I'll call it- will eventually rule us and turn us into something we are not. We are thankfully still in the early stages, but we must act quickly." Standing up to make his point, he continues. "This time is different than last. Last time it took years for is to reach this stage, but this time it took a few mere weeks. If we do not act quickly, I am afraid we may cease to exist."

"Then what do we do?" Thursday asks impatiently. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I am fed up with this and want it fixed now."

A chorus of agreement raises from everyone around the room.

Sunday nodding her head slowly.

Monday's head nodding vigorously with an occasional angry shout.

Tuesday nodding along as well as trying to calm Monday and Wednesday down simultaneously.

Wednesday is jumping up and down, yelling at the top of his lungs.

Thursday is taking pride in the cries of Saturday as she joins Wednesday.

Friday observed the room then gently raises and lowers his hands. Calming everyone until they settle back down in their seats.

"If this is the case then there is only one action we can take."

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