Hidden Away

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The monsters crawling across the ceiling would be invisible to my classmates, but it doesn't mean their claws were any less sharp.

I try my best to ignore them, but even after years of practice it is still hard to do, next to impossible actually. But this time is different, this time I continue listening to the professor, not even flinching as one of the monsters walks past my seat.

Another of the monsters crawls down the wall at the front of the class and looks out into the crowd of us students. Without looking straight at it, I watch as it turns back and forth, as if looking for someone.


I pack my binder and papers into my backpack and head towards the door. Keeping my back straight and head up I walk from the room with the flow of students. The halls are full of more monsters, waiting and watching for their next victim. I just hope it's not me.

Unluckily for me, one of the monsters caught my attention. it was the one from the front of the class. When I turned it turned, when I picked up speed so did it.

Walking outside I leave the school behind me and walk the three blocks to my place. Casually looking behind me I notice that the monster isn't behind me anymore.

I turn back around and come face to face with it.

"I know you can see me." it declares as it looks down at me. The monster is a good foot and a half taller than me.

Staring back at it I hold my ground, refusing to show any weakness in front of it. "How did you know?" I ask, intending to sound strong but instead my voice coming out as a whisper. Clearing my throat I try again. "Tell me how you know."

"We've been watching you for years, gifted one. Your mother was wise to hide you as she did, but not wise enough to hide what you are." It replies calmly.

"What do you mean by 'what I am'?" I growl defensively.

"You don't know. Interesting." It mutters and starts walking away. "If you want to know the truth, come with me."

Without looking back it keeps walking down the street. Making my decision I follow quickly, catching up to it so I can walk beside it.

"I'm listening." I look over at it and give it the 'go ahead' look.

"I suppose I should start at the beginning. Your mother is the same as me." It claims, then raises his hand quickly, cutting me off before I even start. "Yes, she is as you would call 'a monster'. Though she had a special gift no one else did, she could transform; change shape. When she found out she was pregnant she ran away into the human world to hide, both herself and you."

Stopping in the middle of the sidewalk the monster turns and looks at me. "I know how strange this sounds, but it's true." Still seeing disbelief in my face the monster reaches over faster than my eyes can follow and grabs my hand. "See for yourself."

Looking around I am surrounded by monsters, all of them loon similar, except for one. I watch as the monster I was talking to goes up to her, reaching for her hand and leading her out of the crowded room. Shaking myself out of my daze I slowly follow until they reach an empty hallway.

"What's wrong? It isn't like you to be this quiet." the monster beside me asks her worriedly. Stopping the she-monster, he steps in front of her. "You can trust me, Esmereth. Please, just tell me."

Not looking him in the face, I watch as tears start to leak from her eyes. "I'm pregnant." she whispers and looks up at him. "Before you ask, I will be taking the child with me. I will not have her become like my father."

"Where will you take her? Everyone here knows who you are, there is no hiding."

"I will take her with me to the human world." she pauses and grabs his hand. "Before I go, I need to tell you something."

"Well, what is it?" He asks impatiently.

"She's your daughter."

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