We Made Love

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A/N: Thank you for all the love on this fic! Welcome to the last chapter!  I hope you all enjoy it. 


Riley watched the sun peek through on this Sunday and could hear the sounds of Maya and Zay laughing loudly. She pulled her phone off her nightstand and could see that it was reaching noon. They had let her sleep in, as she shut down after Lucas had left brunch abruptly the day before. After brunch, Farkle had convinced them to go to the movies, a hangout that didn't require talking. Before she knew it the rest had cramped into their tiny two-bedroom and spent the night. Riley tried her best to enjoy it and be in the moment with her friends but she knew more than they all did. Even when Zay had pulled her to the side to talk, she knew he didn't have the whole story. Riley's door swung open and Maya walked in with a mug and slammed the door behind her. Riley groaned and turned away from the blonde.

"Oh you're awake," Maya said as she placed the mug down.

"Go away Maya," Riley groaned.

"No," Maya said simply and sat on Riley's bed.

"You have been in bed all morning, up, our friends are here, and you are just sleeping it all away," Maya said.

"Not all our friends," Riley whispered.

"Okay, what the hell happened with Ranger Rick?" Maya asked.

"I can't tell you," Riley whispered.

"I hate secrets," Maya said.

"I wish ... nothing," Riley whispered and pulled her blanket over her face.

"No! Up!" Maya yelled.

"Maya stop it," Riley whined.

"Riley Matthews! Out of bed now!" Maya yelled and Riley's door opened.

Farkle peeked in and Zay was close behind him.

"She's still in bed?" Farkle asked.

"Yes, and she won't tell me what's wrong or what happened!" Maya groaned.

"Lucas is dropping out of school," Zay said.

"Zay!" Riley yelled.

"What? Why?" Maya asked.

"Pappy Joe," Zay said.

"You know?" Riley asked.

"My parents told me, I put it together when Lucas told me yesterday," Zay said.

"What is going on?" Maya asked.

"Pappy Joe is sick," Zay said.

"What?" Farkle whispered.

"It doesn't look good," Zay answered.

"Riley, You've been keeping this in?" Maya questioned.

"He needed me," Riley said.

"He still does," Zay said.

"Pack," Farkle said as Riley turned to him.

Maya had already thrown her closet open. She was rifling through some clothes and pulling them off the hanger. Zay grabbed a duffle bag she had hanging on the back of her door and grabbed some of her essentials. Riley sat up and watched them go through her things. Farkle disappeared out the door and was followed back in with Charlie and Isadora.

"We booked you a flight," Isadora said as she clutched her phone.

"I can't afford it," Riley said.

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