You Came Back

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Dedicated to all my Joshaya Shippers.


Riley woke up to music blasting and rolled over in her bed. She squinted one eye open and saw it was 9 AM. A groan left her lips as she sat up and stretched the night out. Stumbling out of bed, she found herself trekking to the kitchen and saw Maya, Josh, and Zay making a big breakfast.

"She's up!" Zay cheered as he mixed something in a bowl.

Maya and Josh were flipping bacon and sausage respectively. Maya had flour on her nose and Josh wiped it away with his fingers. Riley scrunched her nose at the energy and sat on a chair.

"Coffee milady?" Zay asked as he filled a mug up.

Riley nodded and took the mug with a small smile. She took a sip and sighed happily.

"I always assumed you were chipper, even in the morning?" Zay said as poured batter into a pan.


"I am but I couldn't sleep last night, Lucas was on my mind," Riley sighed.

"How is that western hero?" Josh asked as he scooped bacon and placed it on a plate with a smirk.

"I don't know he disappeared," Riley said.

"But you said he said he was coming back soon right?" Maya asked.

"Wait, you talked to him?" Zay asked.

"Texted," Riley shrugged.

"Well that sucks he's ghosting my ass," Zay said.

Riley sighed and played with the rim of her mug as she heard Zay complain about Lucas. Maya and Josh were musing over something when Maya snapped at Riley.

"Earth to Riles," Maya said.

"Yeah?" Riley asked.

"Breakfast?" Maya asked.

"Oh yeah of course it's great to see you guys slaving over a stove for me," Riley joked.

"I have half a mind to flip this over!" Zay threatened.

"I'm joking, yes I would love breakfast," Riley said as they brought plates over.

"So ... I would like it if you guys met my boyfriend," Zay said as he flipped a chair around.

"Yes, let's do it!" Maya cheered as Josh laughed.

"It's Charlie," Zay said as Riley smiled.

"Cheese soufflé?" Maya said in her mocking accent.

Riley shot her a look but Maya laughed at Zay's face. Zay tilted his head and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, you're serious?" Maya said.

"Yes," Zay said nervously.

"Well damn Zay that's great!" Josh said and raised his mug.

"I'm happy for you Zayby," Maya added.

"Oh thank god," Zay sighed and everyone chuckled.

"Have you told Smarkle?" Maya asked as she bit into a sausage.

"I'll do it later when I see them for lunch," Zay said.

"Wait, how are you having lunch with them and we're not?" Maya asked.

"Isn't that more of a question for them?" Zay joked and took a piece of bacon.

"Did I do something that I am not getting invited to things?" Maya asked.

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