Chapter Three: Master Of Puppets, I'm Pulling Your Strings

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The sunlight snuck through the empty spaces of the blinds hug down infront of the windows beholding the ability to wake me instantly. I looked over to my side and found out Cliff was the lucky one could sleep through the blinding brightness.

His arms remained clutching my waist whilest our legs were tangled up with one anothers. I squirmed out of his grip as I manually moved his hands off my body. His arms fell perfectly and directly infront of him; other than that he didn't budge.

I snuck around to the opposite side of the room where my dresser was. I slowly and carefully opened some of my drawers to get some clothles out of them before making my way to the bathroom which neighboured my bedroom.

I guess last night I hadn't really thought about how akward it would be for Cliff and I to share a bed. I know it was only for company and comfort, and we never had sex or anything so it's not there was any wrongdoing. But knowing me, I always overthink everything.

I examined my reflection in the mirror. My hair was messy and my makeup was smudged. Great. Why the fuck wouldn't I take that shit off before going to sleep?

I wiped the remaning makeup off with a cloth and some makeup remover before quickly removing my clothles and stepping into the shower. When I go visit Alichia today I'd like to at least look presentable.


After I showered and got dressed, I took on the task of reapplying my makeup. Without it the lack of sleep my body goes through would be painfully obvious to anyone who looks at me.

"Morning." Cliff peeked in from behind the doorway of the bathroom. "I was wondering where you were. Woke up this morning and you wern't there."

"Sorry." I set down my tube of lipstick on the counter after finishing the last touch ups of its appliance. "I didn't wake you up, did I?"

"Nah." He assured me.

"You want a coffee or something?" I offered, feeling my own self crave the blessed engery rise caffeine brings.

"Sure. That'd be great." He said with apprication. "Thanks."

"It's no problem." I told him as we entered the kitchen. I bent down to open the cupboard with the coffee in it. "Thanks for staying last night. I really appricate it."

"You know I'm always here for whatever you need." He said sweetly, causing my smile to have a tint of blush as its accessory. "What?"

"Nothing nothing." I quickly waved it off, hoping he wouldn't think much of the constant blushing. "Hot in here, I guess." I let out an akward giggle as I poured the coffee.

"Alright." He smirked, and I raised my eyebrows.

"Don't you be getting ideas." I pointed my finger at him before passing him his cup. "Careful now don't burn yourself."

"I can handle hot things." He joked before winking at me.

"Funny." I shook my head before taking a small sip. "Cmon let's go sit down." I suggested before walking the short distance to my kitchen table. Cliff followed, sitting himself across from me.

"You gonna go visit Alichia again today?" He asked me and I nodded. "That's good. She'll be glad to see you again."

"Yeah." I acknowledged. "I just don't want my time with her to end. It's limited as is, but once she gets out of the hosptial I'll probobly never see her again."

"You don't know that, Augest." He held his hand forward so it would rest itself on my own. "A couple days ago you never thought you'd see her again."

"I know. It's just.. I don't want her to be taken away from me. The last time it happend it felt like my life was falling apart and I wanted nothing more than to be dead." I confessed, fighting back tears as the memories flew in from the past. "No matter how strong people may consider me, Matthew has successfly broken me."

"Is there anything I can do?" He asked me sympetheticlly.

"You can't fix everything, Cliff." I regretfully told him. "It's just the way it is."


Hey yall
I wanted to update today to honour Cliff, since today is the day we lost him :(
Im sorry its a little short and not as exciting but i promise the next one will be more climactic and dramatic lol.
Anways, RIP Cliff Burton, never forgotten :(

Anways, RIP Cliff Burton, never forgotten :(

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