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I am so sorry that I'm all over the place. It's because I'm not sure which angle I would like to take to reach the oncoming climax. I keep changing my mind on my plans.

Anyway, please note, this chapter has been placed before the Yang Liu scene instead of after so that there  could be a flow after Hu-go cliffhanger.

Chapter 34

Wei Li Lian
Princess Elora
Her Highness Wei
The Dragon Palace


Li Lian was struck by the alarm ringing from Hu-go's voice.

"Run!" He screamed again, which jolted Li Lian into anxiety. He was being loud. He could have her exposed.

"Hu- "

"You cannot be seen here; they will suspect you and have you killed."

Li Lian could not fathom the cruelty they displayed against him. His toes were all cut off, blood smudged the floor, and he was in a brown loose rob coated with the gore of blood stains. His ears too, they were gone, and scars dressed his face.

"I hope you will leave the palace tonight, Le-anne, the emperor is a monster." Hu-go stopped to cough and blood wheezed out of him. "Day by day, he is killing me. You must leave!"

It was a mess; she had not seen such gore. When he tried to sit straight, he revealed his slashed legs with flesh exposed.

How was he still alive?

"Run!" This time he was deafening that she panicked and quickly bolted.

Her beloved did that to him, and that was exactly how she was going to be treated when Yuwen Hong found out she was the daughter of King Tobba. Before, she was not sure about her fate and had multiple fantasies of how he would forgive her, but this hate, this hate ran deep and she would not escape it.

Forget love.

After returning to Yu'er's room, she kept pacing up and down.

Hu-go was right behind the palace. How was she to sleep well? He was her brother. No matter the history, they were related and that was stabbing her heart. But what could she do?

"Your Majesty, your water is ready."

"I heard Li Lian is here?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"I think I will bathe later. Let me see her first."

Yuwen Hong burst in a second later. He gave her the smile that only belonged to her, the one which said I am lovesick.

"My woman is here, what a good night lying ahead."

"Not tonight," she shifted on her legs. "My aunty visited." She cautioned him about her monthly bleeding.

He gave her a cocky grin. "We can still have fun." He took her hand. "Your lips and these delicate hands push me into insanity."

She did not know how to refuse him nicely. Getting sexual after today's revelation was out of the question.

"I am sweaty," he warned as he took her into his arms and bundled her for a hug. His scent swum around her, woodsy and the fading smell of ylang ylang. It was him. Her Yu'er.

"I like it when you swallow after I finish," he whispered.

In the midst of his whispering were Hu-go's words competing with him.

"Run, Li Lian. He is a monster."

Yuwen Hong ended their hug with a frown, pushing her back and examining her face. "Anything bothering you? You are shaking."

She shook her head trying to get her bearings. Yuwen Hong was sensitive and very aware when it came to her. Li Lian had no option but to get herself together.

"I am just disappointed about... not having the baby... It is taking time and I know they are all talking." She was not really affected as much by that. Anxious? Yes. However, this was a good reason to excuse her sour mood and get him off her back.

Li Lian could have left after coming from seeing Hu-go, but that would make it suspicious. That was why she stayed and did not run off to her palace.

However, for what it was all worth, she could not stay here. The hands that were cutting her brother bit by bit were the same hands that would sleep around her. It was making her dizzy.

Yuwen Hong frowned. "I thought I was the person who wanted it more than you. Last time we spoke on this you seemed to not care. You were optimistic with me that we will be patient."

Yes, she had said that.

"The last time we spoke about this was ages ago. That was then, Yuwen Hong, but not anymore. People are talking."

"You have never really cared about what they say. You avoid it and ignore the drama." He was not buying her story.

Since when had she become as clear as water to him?

"They are always speaking of you, Li Lian, you have been making many changes in the Inner Court and they have been protesting and making a fuss. You were not affected, and now you suddenly care about what they say?"

Her ears heated. He was not stupid.

"Yu'er, I am having a bad day in which I do not feel well. Sometimes words said, pile up, then they begin to affect me. As my beloved, should you not comfort me?"

"Cut the lies, what is the real problem?" His voice was still low, but he had a 'no-nonsense' tone.

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "I will just go back to my palace."

Yuwen Hong's face fell, then panic flooded him, realizing he was losing her for the night.

"No." He took her hand in his and breathed out. "My apologies, I have had a long day, all those officials trying to fool me, I am going crazy. I should always believe you. My apologies." He took her in for another hug and kissed her temple. "I should not have been so accusing and suspicious. Forgive me."

No, Yuwen Hong. You are right and I am the liar.

"It is all right, but I still need to go."

"No, no," he begged, holding her tightly. "Stay. I have missed you."

He pushed her hair aside and kissed her neck. "Let me cheer you up. We will do whatever you like and I will not insist on doing what I prefer."

She almost laughed. His way of appeasing her was that he was not going to bully her as he normally did. He was insatiable, but really, she wanted to go. Thinking of her brother made her sick.

Yuwen Hong would choose her father over her, was it so bad that she had to consider her brother over him? The blood was thicker than water.

Her eyes teared, even when Yuwen Hong let her go, she was still tearing.

Li Lian cleared her throat. "Please don't force me to stay."

"Empress..." He took her face in his hands. She tried to shake them off, but he insisted, forcing her to look in his eyes.

And there and there, he saw the tears.

Li Lian could comprehend the unwavering conviction as he realized she was lying. Something was wrong, what he was not aware of.

But surprisingly, he nodded, agreeing for her to go back. He backed away to sit on his bed, watching her leave.

Hands down, I'm so in love with this couple. Yu'er is so so loveable.

Please vote and comment. Seriously, it fuels my drive. May upload this week again, already halfway through with the next chapter. 


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