Till Old

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Chapter 46

Wei Li Lian
Princess Elora
Her Highness Wei
The Dragon Palace

“Your Majesty, Furia planned this, not killing any of Royal Princess Yang Liu's servants was in itself a message.” A minister furiously remarked.

Shortly, another added. “And the fact that they dared to come to Nevoria and requested for your audience on the night before your wedding day… That is unacceptable!”

“It seems they have come to discuss what they want in exchange for the Royal Princess.”

“Then we will meet them on our terms, if we go down on our knees before such a small nation, the world will laugh at us.”

“Exactly, His Majesty should state he will see them on the day after the wedding.”

“But we can't be this casual when they have the Royal Princess.”

“They would not dare to kill Her Highness. Besides, if they intended any harm, would they have left her servants alive to tell the story of the abduction? We will see them at the time we wish. What is important is the wedding and the coronation.”

Li Lian could not tell which voice belonged to who. She stood by the closed door of the Dragon Palace Library. Ai and the two attendants belonging to Yuwen Hong―an eunuch and assistant court lady―knelt behind her in the large dimly lit waiting room.

“Why would Furia do such a thing? Abduction of a royalty… Could it be their objection to Nevorians enslaving their women?”

"That is a minimal reason. It must be something else.”

“I think that's enough,” Yuwen Hong’s voice rang. “I will not see Furia tonight. Send a messenger letting them know I have retired from my official duties till seven days from now. Until then, they can wait.”

“His Majesty is wise!” All the ministers said in unison.

Yuwen Hong had to be confident Furia feared him to instruct them to wait that long. Every day that passed was a day Yang Liu was in Furia’s hands, and who knew what they could do? Even if they captured the Royal Princess because they desired something, what if they got agitated and impatient that they did away with her?

Li Lian did not understand why Furia could be so bold. Already, she did not like this woman they said was her mother. Did she want to stop the wedding on this night using Yang Liu? After all, it was taboo for a Furian to marry a Nevorian emperor. However, Li Lian was from Huticah, she was raised there and the country of the father always took precedence.

Her mother cared for what affected her as the queen more than what her daughter needed. Abandoning her proved that.

Now that this matter of Yang Liu’s abduction was at hand, Li Lian was supposed to come out with the truth in one of the following seven days. She could not delay it anymore.

She sighed. It was too difficult. All of it was a nightmare.

“Good evening to Her Highness.” Each minister greeted her as they exited the study room. She nodded in response until they had all stepped out.

It was about a minute to the clock when Eunuch Nam stepped out as well and bowed to her. “His Majesty is waiting for you.”

“Thank you.” She stepped in and found Yuwen Hong behind his huge desk. He sat in deep thought with his chin resting upon his fist, while the elbow goaded the table.

“Your Maje―”

“Ignore the formalities, come forth.”

She placed the pillow carrying his collar onto the table. “I have brought the wedding garb’s collar and would like to see if it fits. Do you mind if I stand while you sit?”

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