Price of War

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Chapter 55

Bai Shen Hong
Yuwen Hong
Emperor Huizhong
The Dungeon

The dream was as reality. Yuwen Hong floated in the throes of affliction in a dark chamber that had no roof or walls or ground. He screamed for help, yet still, no one would answer and give a hand. The pain was as excruciating as if hot blazing needles from hell were piercing his flesh. There was no escape, even for a minute to provide mere relief.

It was as if it went on for an eternity before he eventually lost consciousness and entered the bliss of ignorance, where his mind became unaware of the torture his body experienced.

He did not know what time it was when he was roused awake by Eunuch Nam. Throbbing rattled his head as he rose from the dirtied ground to sit.

Looking around at his surroundings, he found Li Lian laying at his feet with her hand curled around his leg.

The walls of the dungeon swayed as if they danced to a lullaby. What happened the last time he was conscious was part of lost memory. All he remembered was that he had decided to drink the poison with his lover.

"What time is it?"

"Answering to His Majesty. The hour of the rabbit (5a.m to 7a.m) just began. This servant saw it best to wake His Majesty to not miss the Morning Court Meeting."

Yuwen Hong sighed and looked at Li Lian, who slept almost too peacefully for someone who went through probably the worst of nights with him. She was that person for him, his constant that provided peace in every situation.

Going on his knees, he delicately eased her tangled hair off her face. Warm emotions cascaded within him. He loved Li Lian with his life, which he was more than sure of. However, what she did was something he could not just erase and forget.

How many times did he tell her to trust him? Yet, she never made the decision to confess everything. The emotions that came with that deceit were still there. Yuwen Hong felt betrayed, inadequate for her, and insecure that the same would be done to him again and again. When trust has been breached, earning it back takes years.

For them to heal, he did not know where to start and whether they would get there. Also, the big elephant between them was the fact that she was the Princess of Huticah and it was next to impossible to re-establish their relationship with a clear conscience. How would he face his father in death?

Deciding to leave, he gave her a light kiss on the forehead.

Walking out of the dungeon, he was welcomed by the sunrise of the gloomy sun covered by grey clouds. It did not seem like it would be any warmer than yesterday.

He was about to set off when his awaiting entourage stopped him mid-step by falling to the ground dramatically.

"Have mercy on your servants, Your Majesty," they all erupted.

"What is this about?"

"Your Majesty," Court Lady Nam spoke on everyone's behalf, "Your body is of uttermost importance. We bear the responsibility, and we will have to answer if anything is to happen. Please, Your Majesty, consider your unworthy servants by no longer taking any toxic substances that impede on your vitality."

Yuwen Hong had no energy to deal with the pestering of his servants. Not when he just survived the most excruciating night he had ever experienced.

Without a word, he began his journey toward his palace.

"Your Majesty!" They cried after him as they tried to catch up.

He increased his pace to indicate his lack of care to listen.

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