Get Even

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Hi, readers. Greetings with love. Hope you are keeping safe and looking after yourself. I am "trying" to post once per week. However, no promises to this as my life is so hectic but I just want to let you know that I am doing my best and do not give up on me. 10 chapters (minimum) to go, we are almost there.

Chapter 70

Bai Yuwen Hong
Emperor Huizhong
The Dragon Study

"It is a ruckus, Your Majesty," the Envoy General passionately shared, "The Priestess unit released the prophecy for the unborn. 'Teres Taka.'"

"What does that mean?" The Research General frowned.

"Teres Takar: the comforter to the broken hearted, the protector and provider; the utmost symbol of peace and prosperity for Furia."

"Furia must be delighted. Prophecies have good record as no prophecy was ever uttered and did not take place. This is why there is a union between Furians and priestesses, the priestesses choose the leader for Furians through prophecy and the Furians in return protect the lineage of the priestesses," the National General gave his input.

Yuwen Hong created four positions, the National General, Envoy General, Research General, and War General. These four men were his right and left hand. Instead of listening to the endless quibbling of his ministers who only cared for themselves rather than the welfare of his nation, he had reduced his morning meetings from every day to once a week. Those he would see daily were these four men he meticulously picked.

"A nation's treasure is in its scholars," the saying said, "Men of loyalty, dedication, and wisdom." The four generals were the perfect definition of this as they strove for the same purpose he had.

"Definitely not delighted," the Envoy General corrected the NationalGeneral, "No prophecy comes to a priestess unless the unborn is supposed to be the next queen."

"I do not follow," the National General was puzzled.

"Here is where it gets interesting. The Furian royals, including the queen, when they touched the belly, predicted it shall be a male child."

"A male child shall sit on the throne?"

"That is unheard of! Precisely. The Priestesses have been cast in a tight corner. Now do people question their legitimacy, though it is a conundrum since each and every prophecy in the past took place."

The War General chuckled. "No matter what gender this child is, Furia is bound to be weakened."

"It can only go one way, I presume, since the beloved Lord Liege of the Drakko touched the belly and predicted a male as well, a few days ago."

"Then this shall have the priestesses losing face," the Research General marveled.

"The queen wanted to avoid this and thus pleaded the priestesses to take back the prophecy and apologise. After all, they have a history of accuracy, just one mistake will not taint their image," the Envoy General continued.

"I doubt they agreed," the Reseach General massaged his chin in thought.

"Exactly, and such has left the Furian court wobbling."

"But what if both are right? It may be a king that shall be the leader," the National General sipped his tea thoughtfully.

"That is blasphemy and impossible. Even according to the prophecy."


"Teres takar. These words are feminine and in no way masculine. Teres takar can also be interpreted to be 'mother of nations'. Thus, not possible the unborn will rise to power if he is male. This prophecy is for a female child."

"Here is what I think, maybe what Crown Princess Elora carries is a male but not the future leader. In the same timing, someone, who is not Elora, may also be pregnant with the future leader. Thus, the prophecy," the National General gave his hypothesis.

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