Chapter 3-Only Time will Tell

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Two days after the pain my father put me through, I was back at heading towards the liquor store. He ran out of the strong liquid and began to hit me for not getting any sooner. Walking the same path I've been taking for years now, I have memorized every special stone or flower that is on the gravel sidewalk. The clouds are heavy and fluffy in the sky above me with a slight mist hanging in the air. It's now fall so the leaves are bright orange and red with hints of yellow leaves surrounding the small little town I've grown accustomed too over time. It's my favorite time of year, with the beautiful weather and nature that seems to surround me with every walk I take.

Making my way up to the store front, I recognized a head full of curly hair and tall stature. It was rare to see the same person twice, seeing as this is a very small city with few people rooted here. Since it's only a small town outside of LA, with druggies and dealers on every corner, people usually stop here to fill up their tank at a gas station, and just as fast as they stopped, they leave. I paused for a second to stop and stare at the stranger who made a comeback.

He seemed to notice my presence and I saw him give a wide smile, with his dimples on display. Harry began making his way over to me and that was my cue to take my wandering eyes off him and go inside for yet another bottle of shitty cheap alcohol.

Inside, I smiled slightly at George and he smiled back and then looked behind me to see the not so new face anymore, smiling ear to ear.

"Hey! It's nice to see you George, and Ophelia! I was passing the area and wanted to stop and say hello to you guys again," Harry genuinely smiled, looking directly at me. His eyes met mine for merely a second and I snapped my eyes away, scared he would see the pain, and fear behind my hazel eyes.

"Son, it's nice to see you too again! Maybe we'll see you around regularly now," the short man lightly laughed and smiled brightly. Over the years, I learned he is a single, short, well spoken little old sweet man. He doesn't seem to have many friends or people to talk too so this new addition to his list of acquaintances was exciting for him.

"Yes! I would love too! This little town is very beautiful and calm compared to the life downtown," Harry answered seemingly tiredly, but nonetheless with a slight smile on his light pink lips.

After the short conversation, that I just witnessed with no participation in, I ventured down one of the few aisles and grabbed the same stupid bottle of high concentrated alcohol. Putting the bottle on the counter, in the middle of George and Harry in yet another conversation, George stopped and scooted the glass bottle back to me. I gave him a confused look and he responded.

"Look darling, I know things are difficult, this is on the house. Please, just keep yourself safe and out of trouble, alright daring?" George said sympathetically with sad eyes cascading down to the bottle between us. I simply nodded and mouthed 'thank you' to him. He looked at me with surprise clear in his facial features. I never attempted to actually speak to the man before, just simple nods, yes or no, or a simple shrug.

I turned around only to bump into Harry, my face in his chest.

"Hey love, be careful where you're walking, don't want you to get hurt or fall into the wrong hands," Harry said softly to me.

I again, nodded, and turned away to the door and made myself out.

"Wait! Do you think I could get your phone number? I would love to get to know you, and hey, maybe we could become friends," Harry asked enthusiastically, a smile clear across his features.

I sighed and shook my head no with a frown evident on my face. I couldn't ever get close to him, much less hang out with him. He would never want someone as broken, and scared as me, hell I wouldn't either. My mind is telling me it's for the sole purpose of sympathy. Harry probably sees a broken young woman with countless scars, who doesn't speak, and wants to help, then leave so he feels like he's a better person and help himself feel higher.

I turned around briefly to only be met with a disappointed expression across his pink rosy lips. Making myself to the pair of glass doors, I pulled them open with the bottle in my hand, and began my journey on the leaf covered broken sidewalk pavement to the place that acts as a shelter, even though it does the exact opposite than protecting me from the disasters and shit in the world.

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