Chapter 8-My Love

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The next few days were just like the last few days. Filled with cuddling, watching movies, listening to music and reading books, all alongside each other. It was sometime in the afternoon when Harry fell asleep, holding me in his arms, on with couch with the tv running. I was too focused on the intricate details of his many tattoos that littered on his arm, that I hadn't noticed what was playing quietly on the tv, on the wall in front of me.

Staring up at the tv, I froze. Smoke and fire was roaring through the windows I had oh so gotten familiar with. There were fire engines trying to tame the fire, but with little luck. All of a sudden, a firefighter came barreling out of the fire contaminated building, holding what seemed as a body. Squinting my eyes, trying to look closer, I recognized who it was. Tears began leaking from my eyes rapidly, I was unable to catch my breath.

Harry must've noticed my odd breathing patterns on his body, and he opened his eyes, scared of my reaction. Confused, he looked at the source of my wide teary eyes, and widened his eyes as well.

"Oh, love," he spoke so quietly. I watched as they placed the body in a black body bag, with no expression. The fire had gradually gone down, but not without a victim of its flames first.

Harry held me tightly, scared I was about to fall apart. Noticing my shocked state, he lifted me in his arms, carrying me somewhere into the house. My body contacted a soft material, that I now know as his bed. He laid beside me, still holding on me for dear life. No more words were spoke. Just tears escaping our swollen eyes. Turning my head towards his, I leaned in, connecting our lips, scared I would one day loose him too.

He noticed my desperate state for him, and held me every way he could. He intertwined our legs, tightly hugged me and connected our salty lips again.

After a few hours, I felt Harry trying to get up. I looked at him frightened because I want to be with him at all times.

"I just need to go to the loo, love," he voiced softly. I shook my head no and attached myself tighter to him. He sighed and gently tugged my arm with him, getting off the bed. I followed him to the bathroom, and he gently closed the door behind us. We both stood in the bathroom, not knowing how to do this. He tugged his sweatpants down and I took that as my cue to turn towards the door, not looking at him. Once he was finished, he washed his hands and I felt him hug me from behind.

Once out of the wash room, we went back to the bed and laid down. Boldly, I leaned in kissing him deeply full of love. He reciprocated the action, holding my face closer to his. He pulled my body on top of his and held me. With the close proximity, I looked into his eyes and slipped my trembling fingers below the fabric that delicately laid on his butterfly tattooed stomach. He looked at me shocked I made the movement to his torso. I traced the tattoo lightly, with my dancing fingers going over every little detail.

Harry sucked in a deep breath, concentrating on the slow progression of my fingers over the lines on his belly. He then asked with his eyes if he could touch me too. I nodded slowly and I saw a glimmer in his green intense eyes. Moving his big hands, he slipped his fingers underneath the top he loaned to me. Feeling his warm touch over every flaw on my stomach, I shuddered. I was trying to hard to trust this man, I could see in his eyes he cared about me.

In the short time of knowing each other, our connection made it feel we've known each other for years. We explored each other's bodies with a soft longing for each other. I was extremely nervous to be this vulnerable with someone, especially a male. But with Harry, I felt almost too comfortable, which frightened me a bit.

His long fingers traced the faint scars that lined my abdomen, feeling the slight raise of skin to the surface of his finger. Harry began inching higher on my soft skin, going gently over my heaving chest. His finger traced the valley in between my breasts, up to my collarbone. Staring in my eyes, he bent his face down and began kissing the thin skin above the bones.

Moments after, we slowly broke apart, and just held each other.

Quietly looking up at his slight freckled face, I mouthed, 'I trust you, Harry.'

"Ophelia, I'm so glad I met you. I know it's hard for you to trust and be vulnerable, so I can't thank you enough for trusting me with that," Harry lovingly spoke.

Gradually, we fell asleep, together, in his bed, wrapped in each other's arms, under the moonlight streaming through the curtains.

Unspoken, but Loved (H.S)Where stories live. Discover now