Chapter 4-A New Season

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The past three months seemed to go by in a blink of an eye. I continued my adventure to the tiny building every two or so days. And almost every single time, I saw Harry. The bright green eyed, ambitious brunette. He tried making conversation with me every chance he got. I don't know if he just doesn't know how to take a hint, or he just wants to keep pestering me, but he made it a routine to get my attention and talk to me. Of course, me being mute, he got no response, but it didn't really seem like he was bothered by it. George was amused by the interaction and enjoyed watching Harry try to hang out or talk to me.

Today, I woke up and did my usual routine in my bathroom, wearing the same clothes I've grown accustomed too, even with the holes and tears in the old fabric. I didn't hear any commotion in any part of the house, so I took my chance and opened the rackety wood door. As soon as I stepped a foot out, I was slapped hard in the face. I was in shock so I didn't move a muscle or take a single breath.

Looking up, I was met with my fathers raging brown eyes. Not knowing what had set him off, I didn't know what to do to ease some of the anger. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and dragged me down the hallway. There, I saw my mother sitting on the dusty couch cushions with her legs crossed with a smirk set on her face.

"Listen here bitch," my father seethed, "I want your slutty ass out of this f*cking house. You are a worthless ugly piece of shit. You are not welcomed here anymore. If I see you again, I will kill you. Do you understand?" he shouted sternly with a cigarette hanging off his cracked lips.

I nodded, still in shock and carefully stood up, heading towards the front door. Once outside, I choked back a sob and looked around. The house was tucked a little away in trees from the road. No one was around, no buildings were close except for the little fucking liquor store. Since I was kicked out, I had absolutely no where to go. I began my hike to the store, struggling to walk in the snow with just my bare arms, ripped jeans and crusty old socks.

Looking down at my freezing hands, I noticed my fingertips slowly starting to turn a light shade of blue and purple. I wasn't afraid of dying, actually, I truly wished it upon myself. So the thought of me dying from hyperthermia didn't scare me, it relieved me.

All of a sudden, I saw headlights in the misty cool air along the road. I didn't think anything of it until I heard my name being called. I turned towards the sound of the voice and was met with the emerald eyes I've been seeing for months.

"Ophelia, what are you doing love? It's fucking freezing outside, please, come here love," Harry slightly spoke from warmth and comfort of his car.

I shook my head no and started walking again, just wanting to be with George for the time being. Harry didn't like that answer and about 20 seconds later, I felt a tug on my thin bony arm. Whipping my head around, with wide scared eyes, I tried getting away from his firm grip.

"Love, I'm not going to hurt you, I just need you to be safe. You are bloody freezing, you need warmth, please, let me bring you in my car to warm you up," Harry desperately pleaded still attached to my left arm. Shaking my head no again, I tried pulling my arm away without any luck.

"I don't want to do this the hard way love, please just follow me," he pleaded yet again.

With no avail, I felt a strong arm around my torso. I tried kicking my way out without any luck. His grip was tight and firm knowing I would try to escape the second he loosened up.

"Shhh, it's ok love, it's alright," Harry calmly whispered in my ear. He placed me in the passenger seat immediately locking the door and ran around to the drivers side. He slipped in and looked at me with concerned eyes.

"Ophelia, do you have anywhere to go?" he questioned lightly, like he already knew the answer.

I didn't meet his eyes, but slowly shook my head no. I was now homeless and had no where to go.

Harry began driving to an unknown location. I couldn't ask questions so I just let him take me to wherever he thought he should take me.

It had been about 20 minutes of my legs bouncing up and down quickly and my heart rate high. Then I felt the car stop, I looked up from my feet, out the window to all of a sudden see we were in a driveway. The house was very big with a black fence surrounding it with small security cameras seemingly randomly located around the premises.

I looked over at Harry who had a small smile on his face.

"Well Ophelia, this is my home. I know you're probably very confused and scared right now but you are completely safe my love, let's go inside alright?" Harry spoke to me gently, not wanting to scare me more than I already am.

I hesitantly nodded and reached over to open the car door. I stepped down and meet my clothed feet on the paved cement. I looked up to see Harry standing in front of me, gesturing to follow him. Harry starts walking slowly, taking little peaks behind to make sure I was following, and leads me to the few stairs leading up to a front door. He reaches in his pocket and grabs a silver key and places it in the lock, turning it, and hearing a click and then pushes the door open.

"Here is my humble abode," Harry softly laughs, but it doesn't quite meet his emerald eyes. He looks around like he doesn't know what to do next, then, it seems he got the answer and tells me to stay where I am.

About 2 minutes later, I hear his footsteps trailing back to where I was stood. I looked up slightly just enough to see him holding some dry clothing.

"Here love, I know you are bloody cold so I brought you some dry clothes. I don't want you to watch a fever," Harry spoke while handing me the clothing items.

At this moment, I was terrified. No one has ever been this nice to me and it almost seems like a sick joke. Why would this stranger who seems to be obsessed with me, care so much about someone who won't even utter a word back?

Harry must have noticed my hesitant and confused expression because he cocked his eyebrow in worry.

"I know you must be confused Ophelia, but I just want to help you. You might have noticed I've taken a liking to you since I first saw you are George's. When I first saw you, I was entranced by the way you do things and how you brought yourself. I saw a beautiful woman who looks like she's never been loved before. I'm sorry if this is a strong start, but I know how confused you must be, " Harry blurted out in worry.

I looked back at him in shock. I don't know what he sees or how he sees the apparent beautiful woman in me, but I was genuinely humbled by his words. No one has ever said something like that to me. Bringing my wide eyes from his lips, I met his eyes. I reached for the clothing in his large tattooed hands, and gently took them from him. While still looking in his worried eyes, I mouthed 'thank you Harry' to him.

He looked at me in shock but quickly recovered from it and gestured for me to follow him again. He led me to an empty large beautiful bedroom with an elegant simple bathroom attached.

"You can stay here as long as you'd like Ophelia, and I truly mean that. You are most definitely not a burden, if you were, I would've never taken you here with me at all. There's towels and wash in the bathroom, so please take use of that and warm yourself up love, I'll be downstairs in the sitting room if you need anything. If not, you are welcome to sleep in here. Alright, goodnight Ophelia," Harry rambled softly, he then turned and gently closed the door behind him.

I was overwhelmed with the amount of care he's given me and I'm truly thankful for that. Deciding to get out of the old wet clothing, I stripped myself and walked into the bathroom. It was all white tile and dark stones for the floor with little flowers in small glasses everywhere. I turned on the shower and carefully stepped into the warm water. I bathed myself properly for the first time in years. After a few minutes, I turned the shower off and dried myself. I slipped the oversized t-shirt Harry have me with a soft pair of shorts. I saw he gave me high knee socks to keep me warm so I put them on too.

Observing the room, I wondered how I got so lucky to have someone like Harry. A man who I barley know take such interest in little worthless me. I crawled into the bed and wrapped myself in the fluffy blankets. Reaching over, I turned the lights off, and feel blissfully into a deep slumber

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