Chapter 5-Thank You

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Opening my eyes, I was met with beams of sunlight flowing in through the window. For a second I forgot where I was, but then remembered I was in Harry's beautiful guest bedroom.

I looked over to the side of the bed at the clock sitting on the nightstand, reading it was 8:00 A.M. I decided to lift myself out of bed and place my feet on the plush carpet beneath. I stayed in the same clothes I slept in considering I had absolutely nothing with me.

I softly opened the door in the bedroom, making my way down the large hallway that led to the kitchen. Shifting my eyes from the floor, I looked up and was met with a shirtless Harry turning towards me with a bright smile. Quickly I avoided my gaze and stared back at my feet.

"Good morning love, did you sleep alright?" he questioned concerned. I answered with my usual nod of my head and shifted from one foot to another. He must've noticed my awkwardness, because he slowly made his way over to me, until I could see his slipper covered feet in front of me.

"Let's go in the living area and sit down, ok love?"Harry's voice directed me gently. Moving my head slightly up, eyes level to his chest, I nodded and began following his lead to the sitting room. He gestured for me to sit on the tan cushioned couch and sat himself next to me. It was about 10 seconds of silence of just the both of us staring into space.

"Ophelia, I know how stressed you probably are right now, but I want to be your friend, love. I want to get to know you and give you the shelter and care you deserve," he explained cautiously, in case he would offend me because of the situation we were currently in.

After his words, I thought carefully. Here was a man who is being incredibly selfless and caring towards a woman he genuinely does not know. Throughout my life, it's been difficult for me to trust and open up too. I truly have never done either of those things with anyone before. So this new experience of someone actually caring was quite hard to wrap my head around. Although I was absolutely terrified of what this outcome may turn into, I decided I should communicate with Harry, especially since he let me into his posh home, giving me access to necessities I've had very little of in the past.

I simply nodded and turned my face up to look towards his face. I looked at his nose and then looked down at me hands. I gestured for him to get something for me to write on. He quickly got the hint and stood up going down a hallway I haven't been down before, and appearing a few seconds later with a small whiteboard and marker.

He handed them to me and I began to write. The way it was angled in my lap, shielded his eyes from reading my words. On the board, I wrote, 'Thank you, for everything Harry. I don't know what possessed you to care so much about me, but I truly appreciate it. I would love to be your friend Harry," in a neat print across the small board.

After taking a few seconds to read and analyze the sentences, he looked up with a small smile and said, "of course Ophelia," quietly looking at my face. I don't know what made me do this next, but I sat up slightly more and leaned in to hug him. Shock took over his body and slowly he wrapped his large tattooed arms around my small torso.

I can't tell you the last time I've willingly given a hug or honestly even received one. It felt uncomfortable at first even though I brought it upon myself, but it felt nice to embrace someone and feel the body warmth from someone.

I felt his face in the nape of my neck with his cheek squished into the side of my face. His hair was in my face so I could smell the warm vanilla and tobacco scent radiating off him. It was a comforting smell and I could get used to that.

After a minute of the warm embrace, we slowly broke apart. We both exchanged a small smile and comfortably laid back on the sofa. The silence wasn't uncomfortable, it was comfortable. After a few silent moments, Harry perked up starting to speak.

"What about if we play 20 questions? So we can learn more about each other," Harry asked with an excited tone in the hint of his raspy voice. I nodded to answer his random question, lightly laughing, the corners of my eyes crinkling a small bit. He began asking simple questions along the lines of 'what's my favorite color' and 'what's my favorite musician.' To which I answered all of them with the blue expo marker trying to keep up with the quick pace of questions being jumbled out of his lips.

Finally, he got to the 20th question with a hint of hesitancy. His brows furrowed, deep in concentration, and he finally let go of the words waiting to be spilled from his lips.

"Ok, so uh, this is kinda personal so if you don't feel comfortable answering this, I completely understand, ok love?" Harry said with slight hesitation. I slowly nodded and waited for him to proceed.

"So uh, I just wanted to know what led to you being in the middle of winter, out on the street, with barley any clothing?" the low raspy sound coming from his lips questioned.

I took a deep breath, struggling to find the right words to write down. Taking a second to regain myself, I began writing.

"My parents aren't the most friendly people in the world. I don't exactly have the money to buy necessities or go to school, so I was stuck with them," I wrote down embarrassed because of the situation and dependency that this is putting on Harry.

Harry looked back at me with a sad expression knowing that wasn't exactly the whole truth given my hesitancy and vague response. But nonetheless, he softly whispered in my ear thanking me for telling him.

The rest of the day went by fast. The whole time we spent watching movies, reading different books and listening to vinyl records. Today was the best day I've had in my life, period. I couldn't be more thankful for someone like him. He doesn't realize how much he's doing for me, mentally and physically.

Before I knew it, we were back on the couch, my head on his shoulder with a blanket over the both of us. Maybe it's the urgent need of love or comfort, but I feel the smallest bit of trust in him. He opened his phone and I looked at the screen quickly to see the time, which read 8:00 P.M. I yawned and Harry noticed.

"Hey love, you want to go to bed?" He said quietly, his breath tickling my ear. I looked at him nodding. We stood up and he walked me to the guest bedroom.

"Alright love, again, if you need anything, please don't hesitate to come get me. I truly want to be here for you, Ophelia," Harry quietly with love laced in his voice, spoke.

As he was leaving the bedroom, I quickly but gently reached out to grab his ringed hand. Gently in my hand, he slowly intertwined our fingers and looked back at me with a small tight lipped smile. Giving a soft squeeze, we both let go and he leaned in and kissed my forehead softly. Harry pulled away, still looking at me, and slowly walked towards the door, and softly closed the wooden door behind him.

Watching the door close, I fell back into the fluffy bed covers and laid there. I thanked the universe for finding someone like Harry to see me. To pick me up when I am falling, and on the brink of the want to be six feet under. While these thoughts ran through my mind, I fell asleep. Listening to the faint voices coming from the vinyl we never turned off. And with that, with the linger of Harry's vanilla scent, I fell into a deep slumber.

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