When you want a baby 《Chan》

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You and your husband Chan had recently got back from Australia visiting his family. You had such a great time with them and had fun getting know them all. When you were there you got to learn so much about them and see pictures of when Chan was little, which were adorable. Watching Chan with his brother and sister was so cute, him playing the part of a big brother made your heart so warm.

You were at home today and Chan was at work. You were bored so decided to sort through some old things in your room. You found pictures of you and your brother when you were little and it got you thinking.

What does Chan think about having a family with you?

You've been married for 4 years now, and you really want a baby. But you both hadn't really talked about it and you don't know how he would react. You decided you would talk to him about it when he got home.

It was around 9:00pm and Chan came through the door.

"I'm back."

He shouted out to the house. You came walking round the corner and smiled at him. You walked up to him, sliding your hands over his shoulders, wrapping them round his neck before giving him a light kiss.

"Well, I like this welcome home."

He said smiling, to which you smiled back.

"Have you eaten?"

He asked.

"Yeah I have."

"I'll go wash up then, and I'll be back out after."

You nodded and waited on the sofa outside for him. You turned the TV on while waiting, but your thoughts were with what you were gonna say to him. You were scared and had gotten nervous to tell him how you felt about having a baby. But you knew he would react in a sensible way no matter what.

After a while Chan came out and sat beside you leaning next to you, wrapping his arm round you.

"What ya watching?"

He asked.

"Nothing much."

"Ah I love nothing much."

You both laughed at his sarcastic comment, but you then became serious and sat up facing him. You looked him deep in the eyes and asked.

"Can we talk about something?"

"Umm I've been thinking a lot recently and I want it so so much it's not something I've just thought lightly about, I've really really thought about it. And I totally understand if you don't want to but I think it would be a good thing for us."

You paused for a moment trying to gain the courage to say it.

"I-I want a baby."

It was like he knew that was what you were going to say because of how calm he was.

"But again i understand if you don't want to-"

"I do."

He said cutting you off.

"I do want a baby. I have been thinking about it as well recently. But I wanted you to bring it up first because I didn't want you to feel pressured."

"Really? You really want one?"

He smiled sweetly, his eyes full of stars. He took your hands in his and said.

"I want a baby with you more than anything in the world right now."

You hugged him and after a short while pulled

away. You leant in a kissed him.

"This baby is gonna be so cute. Just like you."

You said, booping his nose, making him smile.

"And they're gonna be just as beautiful as you."

He leant in and kissed you again. This time the kiss was deeper and you started to lean back as he hovered above you.

"So I take it we gonna start now."

You said smiling.

"Why of course."

He said smirking.

And the night went away like that.

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