When you doubt the relationship 《Minho》

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Minho has been working a lot lately. He leaves before you wake up and arrives home really late. You normally stay up late to greet him when he arrives home, but his responses are always cold. He comes back from work tired and stressed and barely even gives you a hug before going upstairs to wash up then going straight to bed.

You were laying in bed scrolling on your phone until you heard the front door open. You threw your phone on the bed and ran downstairs to go and greet Minho.


You say wrapping your arms around him.

"I missed you today."

You mention quietly still hugging him.

"Y/n I need to shower."

He replies not hugging you back.

"Oh yeah sorry."

You mumble and free him from your embrace.

He kicks his shoes off and puts his bag on the

sofa before going upstairs to have a shower.

You frown as you walk back upstairs to your shared bedroom. You plonk yourself on the bed and just burst into tears. You missed Minho so much, not the new Minho, you missed the old Minho, the Minho that used to always cuddle you and talk with you, the Minho that actually had time to care for you.

You tried to stay quiet you didn't want Minho to see you so emotional. The bathroom door opened and you quickly wiped your tears and pulled the duvet over your body. Minho got in bed next to you and made himself comfy.


He mumbled quietly, you could tell from his voice how tired he was.


You try to reply as normally as possible but your voice broke and it became obvious you had been crying.

There was a few seconds of silence, none of you saying anything.


Minho says sitting up slightly.


You reply quietly, still with your back faced to him.

"What's up?"

He asks softly as he rubbed your arm

signalling for you to turn to face him.

"Nothing I-I'm okay."

You lie, refusing to face him.

"Y/n don't lie. Look at me."

He asks again.

You sit up next to him and turn to face him. Just to look at his face made you so sad you couldn't help but start crying again.

"Y/n what's wrong?"

He questions holding your hand in his.

You didn't know how to tell him, you had doubts, you didn't know if he really loved you anymore. He's not been treating you the same and you know that it's probably just because he's stressed but still you needed him to confirm that fact.

"Minho d-do you still l-love me?"

Saying those words made you cry even more.

"Y/n yes of course I do why would you even say that?"

He pouts slightly before hugging you.

"You've been cold to me Minho, you don't

loved me the same as you used to."

Your cry into his neck as he rubs your back.

"I am so sorry baby, I never meant to hurt you in any way. I've been asked to work on a new project and it's been taking up all my time. I've been so stressed and I've taken it all out on you baby I'm so sorry!"

He responds with a upset tone, you knew he was close to tears as well.

You tightened your grip around him because you missed his hugs so darn much. Minho let out a little chuckle obviously realising just how desperate you were for his skinship. He pulled you onto his lap and you wrapped your legs around him.

"I love you y/n, I really do, I love you so much. I'm so sorry that you've felt unloved recently. I promise to change that okay. I love you."

He whispers into your neck giving you butterflies.

"Its okay I forgive you. I love you too."

You reply fiddling with his hair.

He pulled away from the hug and wiped away some of the left over tears sat on your cheeks. He held your jaw in his hand before smiling at you sweetly and pulling you into a soft kiss.

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