When you have insomni 《Hyunjin》

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"Good night baby I love you."

You hear hyunjin whisper as you lay in his arms. Hyunjin fell asleep almost instantly after he said those words to you, but you on the other hand were not tired at all.

You had a lot of things on your mind and they we all preventing you from feeling relaxed and being able to get to sleep. You lay in hyunjins warm embrace staring into space. You heard hyunjins soft snore and also felt his warm breath on the top of you head as he slept peacefully.

A couple more hours pass and it's now 3:20am and you are still unable to fall asleep, you are being to get really frustrated with yourself.

You know hyunjin always tells you to wake him up if you can't sleep but you always feel guilty when you do so.

You decided eventually though to wake him up.

"Hyunjin, jinnie, Sam, my awesome sexy boyfriend."

You call out and to no surprise he only wakes up to your last call.

"Yes baby?"

He mumbles still with his eyes shut tight.

"Jin I can't sleep."

You say pouting slightly.

"Aww no baby how come? Got a lot on your mind?"

His eyes flicker open as he looks at you sleepily.

You slowly nod your head in reply before he pecks your forehead softly.

"Come on baby."

He says standing up off the bed losing his balance ever so slightly since his body is still waking up.

He holds your hand and guides you to the kitchen where he picks you up and sits you on the counter. He opens the fridge and pulls out a carton of milk. He takes a mug out the cupboard and pours some milk in it. He then puts the milk in the microwave before walking over to you again. He rests his head on your chest as you play with his hair.

You saw how sleepy he was and really really appreciated the fact that despite his tiredness he was still trying his best to help you.

Just then the microwave beeps and hyunjin walks over to it and takes out the warm mug of milk.

"Here you go baby, it's quite hot so take your time don't rush."

He quietly says as he hands you the mug of milk.

As you drink the milk hyunjin gently massages the back of your neck making you feel all loose and relaxed.

After finishing your milk you hop off the counter and go to wash it up in the sink.
Hyunjin grabs the mug off you and places it in the sink.

"Let's leave that for tomorrow."

He whispers before kissing your temple.

He then picks you up again and carries you to your shared bedroom. He lays you on the bed and snuggles up to you shortly after.

He slips his hand up your top and places his hand on your bare waist caressing it slightly. He pulls you closer to him and gently asks...

"Baby, do you wanna tell me what's on your mind?"

You were so moved by his loving words you wanted to tell him what you had on your mind, not even just that, you wanted to talk to him about everything.

You began to tell hyunjin everything that's been on your mind these past few days, he listened to every word you said and he managed to stay awake. He gave some personal advice on certain topics which you were greatly thankful for. After about 1 hour of talking you were sleepy, in fact you were so tried. The second you started to talk to hyunjin about your problems you felt a weight lift off your shoulders.

"Hyunjin I'm sleepy now."

You whisper making him smile cutely.

"Me too."

He replies before adjusting his position a little.

"Night hyunjin thank you for everything. I really love you."

You say before closing your eyes ready to fall into a deep sleep.

Hyunjin places one last soft kiss on your lips before whispering

"Night baby, I love you more than anything. I hope you sleep well. Dream about me."

He whispers back.

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