When you get a sasaeng 《Hyunjin》

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You and Hyunjin had been dating for just over a year now and you both couldn't be happier together. You haven't told the public, because you wanted to keep it as private as you could for as long as you could. You have so much in common and things that you loved to talk about together. Just everything worked so well between the both of you.

Today you were at the guys dorm. It was just you and Hyunjin since he was on his hiatus. Hyunjin had been a bit down due to all the hate that had been going on with the bullying scandal, so you were doing your best to make him feel better.

"Look at this little puppy."

You said excitedly, showing a video of a cute little puppy to Hyunjin.
You leant on his arm as you scrolled through videos on your phone together.

"They're so cute. They look just like Kkami."

He said smiling widely.
You then put your phone down and looked up at Hyunjin.


He asked with a confused face.

"We should get a puppy."

"But we have Kkami."

"What about a little brother or sister for Kkami?"

"That would be cute."

"I know right."

You said happily. Hyunjin smiled and walked to the kitchen to get a drink and you stood up and half and half followed him. You then heard the door keypad going and walked to the door expecting to see the boys.

"Hey guys I thought- who are you?"

You said shocked to see a girl similar aged to you standing in the hallway.

"I should be asking you that."

She said giving you a disgusted look.

"I-I am. Wait no. Who are you?"

You said seriously.

"That's not your business. Is Hyunjin here?"

She said slowly walking in the dorm. You took a few steps back as she walked in and tried to stop her.

"Yah! Yah! What are you doing?! You can't come in here!"

You said standing in front of her. After hearing you raising your voice, Hyunjin came to where you were.

"Yah babe are you- who is this?"

He said after seeing the other girl.

"I don't know."

"Wah! Hyunjin your so perfect. You don't understand how much I love you."

She continued to spur on many words and grabbing onto Hyunjins arms. He kept trying to move her but she'd continue to cling on.
After seeing Hyunjin struggle, you grabbed her arm and moved her off him and stood in front of Hyunjin.

"Don't touch him. Now please leave before we call the police."

"I'm not gonna listen to you."

She said, still with a disgusted face.

"Please, just leave."

You said. She folded her arms and scoffed. You put your arm gently on hers and motioned her to the door.

"Yah! Don't touch me!"

She said harshly grabbing your wrist moving you away. You winced ever so slightly at her grip. Hyunjin quickly removed her from you and pushed her towards the door.

"Please just leave."

He said. She was stood outside and Hyunjin quickly shut the door.

He came back to you and asked.

"Baby are you ok?"

Although you stood your ground, you felt nervous and scared. You looked up him and said.

"What if that happens again? What if your by yourself? Or if there's more. Or now ones seen me if they try and find me and they hurt me?"

You stopped speaking after breathing so heavily. He got you to come sit down on the sofa and said.

"I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. I'll tell the company about what happened and we will see from there."

"But what about you? What if they come here and it's just you?"

"We won't let this happen again ok, don't worry."

He pulled you into his arms and caressed your hair.

You both heard the door keypad again and shot up. You saw the boys come in and both took a massive sigh.

"What are you guys so stressed about?"

Minho asked sarcastically.

"A sasaeng came in earlier, and grabbed Y/Ns wrist and took forever to get her out."

Hyunjin said. They all looked at you both shocked.

"What?! Did that really happen?"

Chan said worried.

You both nodded and you sat back down, putting your head in your hands.

"They've seen me now. So not only have you guys got sasaengs, they're probably gonna talk about us in public and it's gonna become a big thing and I-"

"Baby baby, calm down."

Hyunjin said coming down to your level placing his arms on your shoulders. The boys came round to you guys as well. And Chan said.

"We will get the whole sasaeng thing sorted out. You two just focus on yourselves. Keep healthy and just keep yourselves ok."

You leant onto Hyunjin and nodded.

"I just looked outside and there's loads camped outside. Looks like you'll have to stay here for a while."

Jisung said.

Chan then went and called JYP and the others watched TV, played games etc. You and Hyunjin went in his room and sat in his bed. You snuggled up to his chest and his hands naturally went to your hair, playing with it.

"I'm worried Hyunjin."

You said wrapping your arms tightly round his waist.

"Don't worry baby, everything's gonna be fine. You can stay here until everything's sorted out ok?"

"Yeah ok. Thank you baby. I love you."

"I love you too."

He kissed your forehead and you continued to talk about sweet nothings.

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