When you're shy 《Chan》

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You looked at the clock on the office wall for what seemed like the hundredth time. Today's work had been taking so long and you just wanted to be home.

"Ugh 5:45, still two hours."

You worked extra time on Fridays and it really felt like it today. You got on with your work and after what felt like an eternity later you were done. You leant back on your chair and breathed a sigh of relief. You stood up, grabbed your bag and left to go home.

You took the bus home and admired the night lights of the city centre and the cool breeze coming through the window.

The bus came to your stop and you thanked

the driver as you stepped out.

Your apartment was about another 5 minute walk from the stop you were at so you continued your small journey there.

Although you were tired, you loved to look around observing the various scenes you'd see out in the nightlife of Seoul. Groups of friends laughing together, some slightly tipsy. The smells of the restaurants and street food stalls. The lights coming from the signs of shops or the stars.

You had made it back to yours and put in the code to your keypad and slowly opened the door.

"I'm back!"

You shouted out to the house as you walked further in. You slid your shoes off, placed your bag down and walked inside.


No response. He must be in the bedroom working, you thought to yourself.

You walked through to your room and saw him at his desk working on his music with his big headphones on. You smiled, admiring your working boyfriend.

You walked up to him and slid your arms round him from behind. He took off his headphones and smiled seeing you were home safely.


You said in a quiet, cute voice.


Chan said saying it back in a similar tone.

You kissed his cheek and then said.

"I'm gonna go get washed up. You finish your work. You better be done when I'm out because I want hugs."

"Ok. I will."

He said happily.

You walked to your bathroom and got in the shower. The warm water and the scents of the soap relaxing you. You finished washing up and got out the shower. You exited the bathroom walking back into your bedroom. You slid on your underwear and one of Chan's t-shirts.

You looked over to Chan who was now laying in your bed, in only a pair of joggers and no shirt, showing off his strong torso. You walked over to him and leant over the bed.

"Can I have one of your hoodies?"

You asked shyly.

"Since when do you ask to wear my hoodies?"

He said smiling.

"Well I'm already wearing one of your T-shirt's I didn't know if you'd want me wearing a hoodie as well."

"Yes you can."

You smiled triumphantly and went to your wardrobe to pick out which one you wanted.

You picked a plain back one that had a soft inside layer. You walked back over to the bed and got under the covers snuggling up to Chan.

"How was work?"

He asked you as he wrapped his arm round you.

"Tiring. But I'm with you now so I'm happy."

"Do I really make you that happy?"

He asked curiously.

"Yep. And you let me wear your big hoodies so how could I not."

He let out a small giggle at your statement.

"I should just give you all my clothes really, you've stolen most of them."

You looked up at him with a pouty face.

"I didn't steal them. Plus. You like me in your hoodies."

"Yes that's true. You do look cute in them."

You hid your face in his chest and he got slightly confused.


He asked.

"We've been dating for two years and I still can't get used to it when you call me cute or whatever."

You look back up at him blushing. He smiled and kissed the top of your head.

"Your still not used to it? After the amount of times I've called you it. I could say it all the time. Your cute."

"Stop. I'm shy."

You said falling back turning round, your back now facing him. He laughed at your shy attitude and leant over you. He kissed your cheek causing you to lay down straight down on your back. He was straight above you.

He leant down and kissed the top of your head. Then your cheek. Then your other. And continued to kissed you all over.

"Ch-chan stop."

You said struggling to escape his kisses.

You said struggling to escape his kisses.


He said pulling you into his arms tightly. After a few minutes he stopped and you were staring at each other deeply.

"I love you."

He said smiling widely.

"I love you too."

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