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This is an old story that I came up with and unpublished. It went by the name "Dammerung". 

I have more of it but, I would have to transfer it from Microsoft Word


 Dawn was a peculiar dog. She was a German shepherd trained for combat. The only thing was, she wanted more. She wanted to be free, to run and feel the breeze in her fur. She paced in the small kennel her handler had put her in, wondering how to get out. The thing about Dawn was she was strong. She could tear apart the leather they used to protect themselves when training her. She also is insanely smart and can get out of any situation. She certainly knew how to get out of this one.

She strolled to the front of the kennel. The grid on the front was weak and worn down. Her ears flicked as she bared her white, sharp teeth. With a snap she tore through the grid. She stepped out on the kennel with a clink of her claws. The light shined on her, showing her pitch blank fur and blue eyes. She was slim but packed with muscle. She looked a bit frightening at first but one look at her soft gaze melt your heart.

She put her nose in the air to smell her surroundings. She smelled her handlers' scent and the scent of outside. She followed the scent to two large doors. On the side was a switch. Seeing the humans use it before she walked over to the wall. She pushed her forelegs off from the ground and put them against the wall. She moved one of her paws and hit the button causing the doors to make a whirring sound. She walked out and what she saw was glorious.


It had so many scents. Flowers, trees and the earthy dirt. Unfortunately, she was in a barren part. She had to get out before she was noticed. Quickly she ran. She was swift and avoided the rocks and many obstacles. By the time she slowed, she made it.

It was green all around her. She heard bird and bears. There were so many scents. She trekked through and came across a streamed. She crouched and lapped at the water. When she looked up she was met with grey eyes. 

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