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Decided to re-write something, REALLY old

HTTYD oneshot


   It was one of the most beautiful days so far this week. The entirety of the week was full of storms, from normal showers, to horrible thunderstorms. Anyone would be lucky to be outside today, for the sun was now shining down nicely on the Edge. There were only a few stay clouds, making it even more perfect. It was the perfect day for a fly. 

   That was exactly what Y/N was doing. 

   The wind whistled against the wings of the orange Monstrous Nightmare as the dragon took a sharp turn. The dragon then flapped it's large wings to gain quick altitude all before quickly diving back down. The rider on the dragons back let out a laugh  as the dragon let out a laugh, giving her a dragon-like smile. 

   As the orange dragon straightened out right before coming in contact with the water. The claws of the large dragon were drug through the water, which created small splashes as the water warped behind them due to the high speeds that the dragon was flying at. The dragon then just ever so slightly tilted their wings, turning sideways and letting one of the wings hit the water. As soon as one of the wings hit the water, the water flew back and splashed the rider. 

   The dragon chuckled before flying above the clouds. The h/c girl shook her head before standing up on the saddle of the Stoker class dragon. The orange and red dragon held steady while they glided, making sure the rider didn't fall., but slowing down just enough so the rider could walk across the dragons wings.

   After a while, the rider jumped right off the dragon letting themselves free fall. The dragon flexed their wings, eventually catching up with the rider, which then gave a toothy grin at the rider. Before they both hit the water once more, the dragon rotated, grabbing the rider in their claws carefully. 

   The Monstrous Nightmare tossed the rider up, and then quickly swooped under and let to rider land on the saddle. Right as the claws of the large dragon hit the water, it flapped it's large wings, sending it up in their air once more. The dragon flicked their tail, letting it lay straight before gliding back toward the Edge. 

   The dragon landed on the beach, it's large wings sending sand flying. The rider had just swiftly jumped off when they were met with a smiling Snotlout. 

   He scoffed, "I still don't understand how he let's you do that."

   The rider made their way toward the dragon's face, scratching under their chin. The dragon let out a sort of purr as it's spine lit small embers. 

   The rider spoke softly, "I think he just likes me."

   The dragon backed up, giving Y/N a nod before taking off toward the stable. 

   Snotlout started to ran as him and Y/N walked back to the Edge. 

  "Hookfang's so biased.", he spoke nicer this time, "But, seriously thank you for taking him for a fly while I finished making the targets."

   The h/c rider let out a laugh, "No problem Snothat. Just remember, he cares about you. Don't think much of it when I take him for a fly. The relationship you have with him is how you both show him how you care for each other. "

   He smiled, "Thanks Y/N", the smile quickly changed to a smirk, "How's it going with you know who?"

   The (height) rider blushed just a tad before their face fell, "Still saying, 'you're a great friend!" or just doesn't acknowledge me."

   Snotlout hissed through his teeth, "Ouch. Tough Luck. Been there, done that. Only thing I can tell you is that it can't get worse from here, at least she talks to you."

   Y/N elbows him in the side as he let out a laugh, "HEY! Don't talk about yourself like that. It's cause no one is qualified to be your friend. "

   He raised an eyebrow, "And you are?"

   "Oh shove off, Snotface"

   "shut up"

   Hiccup swung his legs or, leg and a peg leg, over the edge of his platform that his hut sat on. He chuckled as he saw te pair walk below him. 

   He pat Toothless's head as the dragon pushed his head under the boy's hand, "What do you think is going on there bud?"

   The dragon grumbled. I just want to go on a fly scrawny human. It's been days. 

   "Do you think anything is going on?"

   Toothless shook his head. Oh stupid human. I know everything. 

    The Nightfury knows all the gossips. Trust me. Hookfang has told him of the many flights he has taken with the girl.

   That part Toothless was jealous cause apparently those flights were fun. 


    He knew of the talks that Snotlout and Y/N had. How the h/c rider cried over Astrid not loving them back. He knew that Snotlout was the only one here for her. How they were each others' only friend. 

   Toothless grumbled, walking toward a different spot on the platform. The perfect spot to glided toward the two. Silly human. I just want to fly and i'm going to fly.

   The Nightfury jumped off the platform and glided toward Y/N, moving his tail, trying got keep himself straight. He landed behidn the two with a rough landed but, quickly got up and gave a toothless grin. His tongue stuck out a little as he smiled. Hiccup started yelling, all while Snotlout glared toward Hiccup, thinking he sent Toothless down. That was proved wrong very quickly. 

   Toothless went under the (height) rider, letting them slide to sit on his back. He used his tail to hit their feet into the resting place on his saddle. Once his tail activated, he took off with a screech. 

   Puny humans. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2021 ⏰

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