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Wanted to write several months ago and here this is. 

A large black dragon flew through the sky. Streaks adorned it's sides in blue looking like lightning. Fitting since it was a Thunderwing.

Thunderwings are a strange species. As they grow the bolts on their sides change color as they get older. Starting at a yellow, then blue and ends with purple. Thunderwings have to earn the purple by doing some with risk taking or something to make their family extremely proud. Their sides will grow, giving them a burst of power and they change color. Its strange, but it's how it worked.

This particular one was injured and was gliding on a wind current to find somewhere to land. Thunderwings can cross the sky in a burst of light with great speeds, but the wings of this one were injured, slowing them down.

They also had cargo. A small human. This human had saved their life years ago and had been abandoned by their family, much like the dragon. They promised to protect each other, no matter the situation. They had great trust in each other and nothing could break it. They supported each other and are better family to each other than their actual families were.

The child sat sleeping on the dragons back, but thank goodness they had clipped themselves safely to a saddle on the dragon's back.

The dragon's pupils turned to slits as they scanned ahead of them. they spotted and island with a village on it. This dragon had some trust for human. It wasn't a lot but, at least they had some.

The black dragon tilted their tail in the current and changed their direction and glided smoothly to the island. They were headed for a large clearing in the woods, to avoid human interaction for now.

Before it landed it grabbed the sleeping human carefully and held them delicately in it's claws. It was gonna be a rough landing. As they neared the ground the blue-lined dragon tilted it's back toward the ground and surrounded the human in it's enormous wings.

It was almost like a meteor falling. They crashed onto the ground and slid to a stop at the base of a tree. Darkness taking over the dragon's brain.

The human woke up and emerged from the wings of the dragon to reveal a girl. She had green emerald eyes and long slick black hair, that was tied up in ponytail. She wore a white tunic and brown pants with black shoes.

She stretched and looked back to the dragon. If it was standing, it was taller than her, for it was an older dragon. She looked frantic as she saw the state of her companion. She grabbed the bags carefully from behind the dragon, not wanting to disturb it.

She picked sticks and brush off of the dragon and looked at it's injuries. It was injured on the hind leg and one of the wings. They had been exploring and came across dragon hunters. They tried to capture her friend but they won and freed other, but with a price.

She bandaged it's wounds after cleaning them and walked off to get some fish for her companion.

The black dragon awoke to see it's human calling for them.

"Slash, time to wake up. I have some fish if you want some."

The dragon sat up carefully and walked over to see a fire lit cooking a few fish and a pile of raw ones ready for him. He sat next to the girl and stabbed a raw one with a claw and ate it.

"Thank you Agasi"

"No problem my friend. "

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