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Hello my beloveds, how are you on this fine occasion? Don't get used to this nice, cutesy attitude, the fic will get all serious and properly-written (to the best of my ability) after this introduction chapter.

All of the chapters that I have drafted up so far have 3000+ words, and I hope to keep up that number. I personally like reading long chapters, so I write long chapters


If you support JKR or her transphobic viewpoints and/or opinions, leave. None of us want you here lmao.

Sick, now that's out of the way, let's get on with the rest of this background information.


In this story, you are Harry Potter's older sister by two years, I'm not going to specify whether you look like Lily or James for obvious reasons (i.e: I try and make my books as inclusive as I can, I'd appreciate it if you would point out if I write something that isn't as inclusive as it should be).

You are in the twins' year for my own ease. Also, your birthday is September 5th. That's a random date in September that I came up with. It needs to be that day for plot reasons which will be shown later on.


What do you think about the innocent little book title? Foreshadowing is fun.

I currently have two different lovely endings that I'm deciding between as of right now, and I don't know which one you should be hoping for.

Just suffer along with everyone else for a while though, yeah?


I have other fics about other Harry Potter characters, so maybe check those ones out if you enjoy this one!

And with that, I think my job here in the introduction is done.


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