𝟎𝟕│ champion of hogwarts

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You chased the twins as fast as you could down the maze of corridors in the direction of the Great Hall.

The three of you had just come from a rather eventful defence against the dark arts class taught by Mad-Eye Moody, which was the reason that you were now slowly falling behind them.

The newly-appointed professor had decided that casting the three unforgivable curses in the middle of a classroom full of excitable students was a good idea.

You had been sat beside George the whole time, only ever flinching once a spark of familiar emerald-green was conjured from Moody's wand.

The two completed vials of the aging potion had been sitting in your bag throughout the entire class, and you could tell that the twins had been getting more impatient with every minute that passed. You could feel the muscles in George's thigh tensing against yours every now and then, only proving his impatience.

To say that you were worried about Moody spotting the vials through your bag with his magic eye was an understatement, but he mever said a word about them. He either didn't notice, or didn't care enough to punish you for it.

Once the lesson ended and you were all out of the classroom, you'd given each of them a vial and they'd instantly sprinted off down the corridor. That lead you to where you are now.

You could see the pair of them throw the Great Hall's doors wide open as they loudly announced their presence.

"Bloody hell, you couldn't have waited for me, could you?" you grunt when you finally catch up to them.

You're leaning against the frame of the giant doors when the twins look back at you with proud smiles . Their expressions warmed your heart - it was like their final 'thank you' to you for helping them, even if you didn't originally want to.

Even though you knew it was bound to fail, you accepted their silent appreciation.

"Well, we've done it lads!" Fred announced, drawing everyone's attention to him and his brother.

"Our lovely Y/n cooked it up just this morning." George added, which you scoffed at. It'd taken way more than just a few simple hours to brew.

To prove their point, both twins brought out the vials from their pockets with a flourish of their wrists. They both grinned as they received gasps from the crowd once people realised what they were holding.

"It's not going to work!" Hermione piped up in a teasing voice. All eyes were on her now, but she simply continued to read her book.

"Oh yeah, and why's that, Granger?" George challenged back.

"Because a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dim-witted as an aging potion?" she quipped back.

"That's what I was trying to say!" you exclaim, earning a jab in the ribs from Fred.

He plastered on an exaggerated smile, "That's what makes it so brilliant. It's pathetically dim-witted."

You and Hermione shared a look of disbelief as the twins kept up their childishly excited attitude whilst they got ready to take their potions.

"Ready, Fred?"

"Ready, George."

"Bottoms up!"

Their theatrics only made you roll your eyes, "Good luck." you whisper nonetheless.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐄 ― g.weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now