𝟎𝟐│ morning hike

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The next morning, you awoke to a bright amber light searing your eyes through their closed lids. Someone had turned on the light bulb that was hanging from the roof. The feeling of someone gently shaking your shoulder soon followed that unpleasant sensation.

"Rise and shine Y/n!"

You recognised the voice instantly, it belonged to none other than Hermione Granger. Like Mrs Weasley had said the night before, she had arrived early that morning.

"Don't ignore me, you need to wake up." she grunted, now deciding to start poking your shoulder.

"Too early 'Mione." you rasped out, voice tired and strained from only just waking up.

For the first time that morning, you opened your eyes just enough to see Hermione's face through your eyelashes. You lifted your head for a moment, only to slam it back into your pillow.

"You're just as bad as Ron and Harry! Maybe it's a Potter thing - it's impossible to wake you up." she exclaimed.

You lazily turned to be face-down on your bed, then let out a loud groan of reluctance into the pillow.

"For Merlin's sake." Hermione sighed. You could only imagine all of the exasperated arm-waving she was doing right now.

She felt like she had no option other than to turn to the open bedroom door and yell, "Harry! Get in here and wake up your sister or we'll be late!"

"You didn't need to do that." you mumble loud enough for Hermione to hear you through the pillow, "And where's Ginny?"

"She's getting ready."

Instantly recognising that tone of hers, you thought to yourself, "Wait for it."

"Like you should be doing too."

"There it is." you internally groaned. It was exactly the follow-up you had expected from Hermione.

Finally giving in and sitting upright on the bed, you said, "Let me wake up properly first. What time is it?"

"I don't know exactly, but it's definitely before five o'clock, the sun isn't even up yet." Hermione said, her unbelievably calm voice was what shocked you, wasn't she tired too?

"What?!" you exclaim in disbelief. It was no wonder you felt so exhausted.

"You'll find that she's right." George said, leaning against the doorframe, looking like he'd only just woken up.

"It's four fifty-two in the morning, to be precise." Fred yawned, popping up from behind his brother and leaning against the other side of the doorframe to mirror him.

"I thought I woke you two up ages ago, did you seriously fall back asleep?" Hermione scowled.

The twins glance at eachother from the corners of their eyes, passing a certain look to the other. That look was one you'd become used to, it was always the same expression they pulled when they were up to no good.

They both tried to conceal the small smiles that were growing on their faces as Hermione's annoyed glare deepened.



Each boy replied one after the other, doing their usual habit of finishing eachother's sentences.

"I'm not buying it." Hermione scowled, causing both of them to act hurt, much to your amusement.

"Why would we ever lie about such a heinous thing?" Fred wailed.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐄 ― g.weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now