𝟎𝟏│ leaving privet drive

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Today was finally the day (or rather, afternoon) that both you and Harry had been waiting weeks for: the day that you'd get to see your friends again for the first time in what felt like forever.

Your trunks were packed full to the brim in preparation, and you'd gone over your checklist of things to pack a dozen times. You had never been this obsessive over packing your bag before.

"Pacing around isn't going to make them arrive any faster, you know?" Harry reminded you from where he was sat on his bed.

He was flicking through an old muggle newspaper to pass the time, reminding you of how your Uncle Vernon would do the same in the morning. It was clear that Harry had no interest for the goings-on of the muggle population, but he kept reading nonetheless.

One of the downsides to sharing a room with your brother meant he had to watch all of your nervous habits.

"But what if they've forgotten to pick us up along the way? Or if they can't remember our address?" you stress, ignoring him and continuing to pace back and fourth across the wooden floor.

Knowing your Aunt and Uncle, they'd probably complain about this, saying that the creaking floorboards were making too much noise for their liking.

"They'll be here in no time. Ron, Fred and George will remember where we live because they came to rescue us in their flying car only two years ago, remember?" Harry exclaimed, folding up the newspaper and throwing it to his bedside table.

Another look at your worried face made him try to reassure you again, "And we told them our address in our response letter, George is responsible enough when he wants to be.

"I guess you're right." you sigh, flopping down onto your bed which was situated on the opposite wall to Harry's.

"And he'll re-read the letter anyway." he murmured, but you managed to catch his words.

Your head jerked from the mattress so you could properly glare at your brother, "What do you mean by that?"

"You know exactly what I mean Y/n." he scoffed, and he was right, you did know what he was getting at.

Harry had a tenancy to tease you about your friendship with the twins, but usually George in particular.

You'd learnt that the best way to get out of that conversation was so ignore him, so ignore him you did. You broke the menacing eye-contact and let your head fall back onto your pillow.

With arms and legs carelessly dangling in various angles, you tried to get yourself to relax. The high amounts of overthinking you did was one of your least favourite qualities about yourself.

"And here I am, thinking that people were supposed to get wiser with age." your brother scoffed.

"Watch it Harold, I'm almost at the age where I can curse you outside of school." you grumbled back, which shut your brother up rather quickly.

To you, the next half-hour felt like it was the length of a year. Nothing happened throughout that time, you couldn't hear any noise apart from Harry's occasional shuffling on the other side of the room.

But soon enough, just as you were about to get up and start pacing again, something interrupted the rare silence in the Dursley household.

A loud thud, followed by a swarm of alarmed yelling caught your attention. Your head shot up from the pillow and you locked eyes with Harry, who shared the same expression of excitement which you also held.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐄 ― g.weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now