𝟎𝟑│ the world cup

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That night, it was hard to fall sleep because of the pure anticipation of what was to come. The beds were comfortable, but your mind was racing, even as you slept.

You couldn't remember most of the nightmare you'd just woken up from, but the few things that stuck in your memory was the sound of explosions, mass panic and the sky being filled with a dark layer of smoke.

You tried not to dwell on it, it was only a nightmare after all.

By the sounds of it, some of the others were awake already. A few footsteps thudded around the tent, along with some hushed conversation.

You didn't want to leave your bed, but you couldn't stay there any longer because of the hot sheen of sweat that coated your skin. That was debatably the worst part of having a nightmare: waking up from it.

The sweater you were wearing was still embedded with the smoke from last night's campfire, which only reminds you of the blaze you saw in your dream. You quickly pull the sweater over your head and toss it towards the other side of the room, leaving you in your smoke-free sleep-shirt and shorts.

You lay still for a few moments longer, waiting for a sign to get up. But you finally gave into your body's need for a shower, and you forced yourself from the mattress and shoved your feet into your slippers.

"Morning." you quietly say once you enter the main space of the tent, careful to not wakr anyone else up.

"G'morning!" the collective reply resounded back. Both of the twins, Harry and Hermione were all awake, occupying two of the sofas near the middle of the room.

"Godric Y/n, did you get hit by a bus in your sleep? You look horrible." Harry exclaimed with widened eyes. He only looked partially concerned whilst seemingly impressed by his comment on your dishevelled appearance.

"Well it's lovely to see you too, brother." you reply dryly, completely unimpressed.

You were aware that you didn't exactly look your best right now, but Harry's bluntness never failed to shine through.

The twins cackled at the interaction, not adding any input of their own. It seemed to be too early for them to come up with their own witty remarks.

"Nightmare?" Harry asked, noticing the continued slump of your shoulders, a clear sign that something was wrong.

"Nightmare." you confirm, "But it's fine, I just want some breakfast and a shower."

"The showers are just down there," Hermione said, waving her arm towards yet another unexplored section of the tent, "You've got to wait a little bit for the water to warm up though."

"Thanks." you smile weakly, quickly turning on your heel to grab your toiletries from the bedroom. A shower should fix everything, bathing in hot water in the morning always seemed to set things right.

"Oh, and Y/n?" you stopped moving when Fred called out to you, turning back to check what he wanted.

"You're painting our faces when you come back!" George continued for his brother. It was more of a demand than a request, which took you by surprise.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐄 ― g.weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now