Misunderstood(George x Reader)

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A/n: Y/n comes from a long line of rich slytherins. She was taught just like Draco. She was taught to think that any other blood status other than pure-blood is filthy and poor. But when she goes to Hogwarts when she's eleven, she gets placed into Gryffindor. Her family cuts all ties with her and disowns her. Everyone in Gryffindor knows about her family so they don't trust her. So, at first, she had no friends in her house. But when she's fourteen, she finally befriends the Weasley Twins and Lee Jordan. The next year, she turns fifteen and that is where our story begins. We start off on the Hogwarts train.

Warnings: I don't really know about this one. Discrimination maybe? Just be careful

Y/n's POV

I sit in a compartment alone. I've been all alone here at Hogwarts ever since first year when my parents disowned me after I got sorted into Gryffindor. I've never really been like my family. They hated all things muggle and half-blood. I actually enjoyed talking to half-bloods and muggles. Seeing what they saw. Doing what they do and other things like that. That's probably why I got sorted into Gryffindor. Because I accept anyone and everyone no matter what blood status they are or family they are.

But, at least I finally made some friends last year. Fred and George Weasley, and Lee Jordan. I met George in potions class. We got teamed up for the last trimester. I didn't mind it at first but then again I didn't even know him. Then when we started on a potion, everything sort of just...clicked. He started talking to me and I to him. He's the kind of person that you feel like you can tell your whole life story too and they won't judge you. At least not in a serious manner. They'll just listen to you. After potions, he let me sit with him at lunch and he introduced me to his twin brother, Fred, and their best friend Lee.

Of course I had heard of the Weasley Twins before but I'd never actually met them before that day. I'll never forget that day. April 3th, 1993. The day I actually made a friend in my house. Suddenly, I'm brought out of my thoughts by a knock on the compartment door. Back in reality, I look over and a ginger haired teen boy's head pops in. George then says "Mind if we sit?" "Not at all," I reply. I chuckle as Fred playfully punches George's arm. Then George, Fred, and Lee walk in. George sits next to me, with Fred and Lee sitting across from us. "Aw, Georgie's got his girl," Fred says to George. George just glares. I laughed and moved a little closer.

About ten to fifteen minutes later, the boys are talking about pranks. I do pranks with them a lot but suddenly I get really sleepy. I yawn. George nudges me and says "You tired?" I nod and he moves me and places my head on his lap. I lay down on the rest of the seat with my head in his lap. "Don't worry. You have about an hour to sleep," George says with that stupid grin that I love so much. I smile back and nod. George starts to play with my hair as he talks. As he does that, I feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep.

George POV

About ten minutes later, I look down and see Y/n sleeping. She's so pretty. "Georgie's in love," Fred teases me. I don't respond, I just shoot him a death glare.

Time Skip

We are about ten minutes away from Hogwarts. I shake Y/n slightly and she stirs and opens her eyes. "We're almost there, Y/n/n," I say to her. She smiles and then gets up to go change. When she gets back, she sits down and leans her head on my shoulder. I smile as she closes her eyes. I nudge her and she glares at me. "What?" she asks. "Don't go back to sleep, we'll be there any minute," I say. She gives me a 'fine' look and joins in on our conversation "So, who does Fred fancy?" Lee asks. "Angelina," Fred says. We all go 'oh'. And Y/n laughs a little. God, I love her laugh. And her smile. Why didn't I befriend her in our first year? I'm so stupid for not seeing her sooner. I was just like everyone else. Blinded by her outer shell. By her family and her family's past.

Then, the train pulls in. We got off and walked towards the carriages. As we walk, Y/n almost falls. Before she does, I wrap an arm around her waist and catch her. She smiles at me and we walk together, my arm still wrapped around her waist to keep her steady. We make it to the carriage and head to Hogwarts. When we get there, Y/n still needs a bit of help from her being tired. I helped her walk into the great hall. We sat down at the Gryffindor table. Fred next to Lee, Angelina next to Fred, Alicia next to Lee, and then me across from Angelina and Y/n across from Fred, she is right next to me with her head on my shoulder. God, I really like her. But how do I tell her? Does she like me back? I mean, she likes me as a friend but does she like me as something more than that?

"Hey George, what's the deal with you and Y/n anyway? Like, you always let her lay on you or you help her in any way. So what is it?" Alicia asks me. I look down and realize Y/n is asleep on my shoulder. Damn, she must be really tired. I look at Alicia. "She is my best friend minus Fred but she is the closest thing that I have right now," I say. She nods and goes back to her food. I lift my shoulder and Y/n wakes up. She then eats and joins the conversation. God, I am so in love with her. But why did I have to fall in love with my best friend? I know we've only known each other ever since last year but it feels like forever. I really feel like she is my soulmate. But I don't know if she feels the same way. And I can't really tell her because that would be embarrassing if she didn't return the same feelings. I am conflicted.

When we were done eating, we went back to the common room. I sat next to Y/n on the couch. We were all just talking when Alicia said something.

"Hey, Y/n. Would you rather date George or Fred?" she asks. Y/n starts to blush.

"George." Y/n says with a small smile. She then looks at me. "George, can I talk to you?" she asks. I nod. She gets up and I follow her out of the common room and into the corridor.


When we get to the corridor, I face George and fiddle with my hands.

"So, what's up?" George asks.

"Um. George, I like you alot. In fact, I think- I think I'm in love with you." I say. My voice is shaking at the end.

George steps closer to me and puts his hand on my cheek.

"I'm in love with you too, Y/n." George says before he brings me into a kiss. Our lips fit together perfectly as if they were made for each other.

When we pull apart, George just stares into my eyes.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" George asks me.

I chuckle and nod. "Yes." I then kiss him again.

Years later, I am now married to George and we have two set of twins. Our oldest are twin boys and our youngest are our twin girls. I have my happy life with the love of my life, George Weasley. 

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