Rejected Then Comforted(Fred x Reader)

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A/n: Y/n Black is the daughter of Sirius black. They've been friends ever since they were infants. Especially when Lupin became her guardian because he had to go away a lot so she practically lived at the burrow. So, when Sirius choses Harry and pays attention to him instead of his own daughter, Fred goes to comfort her and feelings are revealed. But then he also helps her with Siruis's death. And then the battle comes and other things happen.


I was sitting in my room just drawing the marauders in their animagus forms when I heard a pop. Next thing I know, I am being tackled by a tall Weasley.

"Fred! FRED! WHAT THE HELL?! GET OFF OF ME! YOU ARE SO HEAVY!" I yelled as I laughed. Then George came, Fred got off of me and they both started to tickle me until I was out of breath. Then I hear Molly yell downstairs. George gets up and apparates down while Fred helps me up. His hand was on the small of my back while the other was resting on my thigh. I feel the blush heat my cheeks.

"Mum said supper will be after the meeting. Wanna sit by me?" Fred asked in his normal, sweet, adorable, cute, amazing, angelic voice. If you haven't noticed by now, I am in love with Fred Weasley. Ever since we were eight years old. But I can't tell him because I would ruin our friendship and lose one of the most important people in my life. He helped me through everything. Like when my dad went to azkaban, he would let me sleep in his room when uncle Remus was busy. So, I grew up with Fred and in turn fell in love with him.

"Yeah. I always do." I say with a smile. He apparates away and I go back to my drawing.


I just finished my drawing, the meeting was done and Harry just arrived. Things were great. I grabbed my drawing so I could show my dad. He always loved seeing the marauders drawings that I did. I think he likes them.

I rushed downstairs and ran to the dining room.

"DAD! Look at this!" I yell excitedly.

Dad looks at me

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Dad looks at me. No, not at me, past me. There is something behind me that he is looking at.

"Not now Y/n, I'm busy and my godson is here." Dad says to me. I start to tear up as he walks by me and hugs Harry. Don't get me wrong, I love Harry like a brother, but right now I just wanted to hug my dad. But instead he was hugging Harry. I know Harry is his godson. But I'm his daughter! Shouldn't I come first?! You'd think so. But evidently Sirius Black had a different thought. Then Molly and Arthur come to the stand where Sirius was. Yes, now I really don't want to call him dad so Sirius it is. Molly and Arthur smile.

"So Y/n, show us. We would love to know what you did." Arthur says as they both smile lovingly at them. I would love to show them but it was meant for my father. But he apparently can't be bothered right now.

"Uh-forget about it-um I should go upstairs." I say. I then put on a fake smile and run upstairs. But before that I ran into Tonks. She saw the whole thing. I slid past her and ran up the stairs. Everyone else was downstairs so I was alone. I sit in the corner of my room, hidden in the shadows. I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried into them.

Timeskip. About ten minutes on people talking downstairs and Y/n crying

I finally stopped crying. My eyes were red but I was hungry so I walked downstairs quietly. I stopped when I heard talking, so I decided to listen a little.

3rd person POV

Everyone except for Y/n was sitting in the dining room. Tonk looks around, then glares at Sirius.

"My poor, Y/n. I should've done something." She said quietly but Remus heard with his wolf hearing.

"Why did you say that, Tonks? Where's Y/n?" Remus asked. Tonks glares at Sirius as she says her response.

"Well, she was going to show Sirius something but he was apparently too busy for HIS OWN DAUGHTER! SO INSTEAD HE PUSHED HER ASIDE AND HAD TIME FOR ONLY HARRY!" Tonks yelled, her hair growing red. After that she stormed into the kitchen. Remus started fuming as he glared daggers into Sirius. Molly let out a frustrated sigh as she walked swiftly over to Sirius, in between him and Harry-Harry sitting in Y/n's spot-as she fiddled with things so she wouldn't lose control.

"I think you should go to your daughter, Sirius. She needs her dad." Molly said firmly.

"Y/n is fine. All we need right now is Harry-not Y/n. She can wait her turn." Sirius said in a calm voice.

"FOR HOW LONG?! SIRIUS?! HOW LONG?!" Molly yelled with her outburst of anger. There was a gust of wind from the cold hallway and the door creaked open revealing Y/n standing there with tears streaking down her face. The kids started sympathetically at Y/n while the adults glared daggers and bullets into Sirius as he looked down in-I hope-shame.

Not being able to take it any longer, Y/n ran back upstairs. She resumed her position in the corner of her room.

Back in the dining room, Fred grabs a plate, goes through the kitchen, and heads upstairs while Molly, Arthur, and Remus scold Sirius.

Sirius POV

What have I done. I've just made my daughter feel worthless. I am a terrible father.

Fred POV

I feel so bad for Y/n. She doesn't deserve this. I love her so much. So, I am going to have a bit of a picnic with her. I grabbed my plate and a plate for her with the food that she likes and I headed upstairs. I knocked gently, and asked.

"Hello?! Is there an awesome, talented witchhome?" I asked. I hear a faint sniffle then a small chuckle. The door opened. I stepped in and it closed. I saw her sitting in the corner, curled up. I set the plates on her desk and looked back at her.

"Oh no, no, no. This won't do." I said as I went ofer, picked her up and put her on her bed. She laughs and my heart melts. I chuckle as she wipes her tears away. I pull her desk chair, hand her her plate. We start to eat and make small talk.

After we were done eating, I took her plate, and put them on the desk. I was about to tell her that I love her. My hands got sweaty and I looked down.

"Y/n. I have to tell you something." I said to her.

"What is it, Fred?" Y/n asked. She took my hands.

"Ok. I'm just gonna say it before I chicken out." I take a deep breath. "I like you. No. Scratch that. I love you. I love you, Y/n" I said. I looked up and saw Y/n looking at me in shock.


Fred just told me he loves me. I am freaking out. But he's looking sad. I better say something.

"Fred. I-I love you too," I respond with a smile. Without hesitation, Fred leans forward and kisses me. I was shocked for a second and then I melted into it and kissed back.

He pushed me so I am laying on the bed while we kiss. We pull away, out of breath. He smiles at me and I smile back. Fred then scoops me up and presses his head into the crook of my neck while I laugh.

"I love you, Fred." I tell him. He kisses my neck and then mumbles something.

"And I love you, Y/n." Fred said to me. I relax against Fred and we both fall asleep. 

A/n: Possible spelling mistakes. Sorry. This was kind of rushed. If you want a part 2 possibly, just comment and ask. And please make requests in the comments. Thanks.

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