Teddy Lupin x Reader

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A/n: Y/n is shy and a loner. Teddy is a popular guy. But he notices her one day and notices her beauty which she doesn't see.


I sat in the courtyard with my music and also while watching the other students of Hogwarts. I look down at the drawing of my crush. Teddy Lupin. The son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks. And the most popular boy in Hogwarts in my year. All the girls want him and him being a sweetheart doesn't do anything when they flirt with him. Of course, what do I have to say about it? Nothing. Well, I have a lot of things to say about it but I have no place in that matter. He doesn't even know I exist and yet he still stole my heart. But there is no way that he would ever even look at me much less like me.

Getting torn from my thoughts, I look up only to see Teddy Lupin and his group of friends staring at me and laughing. All of them except for Teddy. Why wasn't he laughing? I got up and walked right past them and back into Hogwarts, unaware that Teddy had left his friends and was now following me.

I walked through the halls of Hogwarts until I made it to a small corner that is tucked away by a window. I crawl into it and just sit there thinking.

Why does nobody like me? I mean no guys. They don't even look at me like that. It's always either in disgust or a bored expression. I'm sick of it. But they will never see me as more than just an invisible girl today and everyday. It may seem pathetic that I want them to look at me but I can't help it. I want a guy to show me affection. But that will never happen. At least not as long as I look like this.

I look in my bag and take out my diary. This is the place where all of my thoughts go. If anyone ever found this, I'd get bullied to death. I put my diary beside me and just sat there.

While I was lost in thought, with tears streaming down my face, I didn't notice the empty space next to me was now filled. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Teddy Lupin. I blush hard.

"Are you alright?" Teddy asks. I nod and look away from him trying to quickly wipe my tears away.

"Yeah, just got something in my eye. You can leave now. No need to hang around me." I said as I looked at the ground.

"What if I want to hang around you?" He asked.

"That is very unlikely. I think you'd rather hang around Victorie Weasley or Aliya Corse, not me. Now please go away." I say quickly as I get up, go past him and run back to the Hufflepuff common room. I curled up on the couch in front of the fireplace. Little did I know, I left my diary there.

Tedy POV

When Y/n ran away, I looked back and saw a book laying there by the window. I sat down, picked it up, opened it, and started to read.

Hey Diary,

It's me again. Today was another day of torture. I see him everyday, and everyday he is surrounded by girls. I want to stop the feelings but they've gotten too strong. You may think that I could just talk to him but you're wrong. A big shot like him would never talk to a little nobody like me. I know that you may be annoyed with me talking just like everyone else. I don't know why people always bully me. Wait, yes I do. I'm stupid and worthless. They say that I don't deserve to be alive. Even Victorie joins in with them. I see her swoon and fawn over him everyday and it hurts me knowing that I will never be his and he will never be mine. Whenever he looks at me I think I see a small smile on his face but my hope gets crushed when I remember who I am and that he could never like me. Other girls remind me of that as well. I just want him to look at me the way that everyone looks at their love. I really like him. I have ever since he caught me when I almost fell off the train in first year. And when we got in the same house, oh I was ecstatic. But my heart just keeps getting pushed into that pit of depression deeper and deeper.

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