Fred x Troubled!Reader

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A/n: Y/n does not have the best life, or at least she thinks so. She thinks that she'll never be loved by someone when she is so wrong. But her view and life changes when Fred finds her about to do something horrible in Myrtle's bathroom. Fred and Y/n are sixteen.

Warnings: Self harm, attempted suicide, depression, insecurities, bullying


I ran out of the great hall after I got kicked in the stomach by Marcus Flint a stupid slytherin. He did this all because I am quiet and he bullies me for it. I ran to Myrtle's bathroom. She was a good friend of mine. When I got there I ran to the corner and sat there. Tears started to stream down my face as I thought about how stupid, ugly, fat, annoying, and just all around worthless I am.

Myrtle comes by me. "What was it this time?" she asks.

"Flint kicked me and the whole great hall started laughing. I ran out as fast as I could," I say in between sobs. I pulled my knees to my chest as I continued to cry and think about how worthless I really am.

After about five minutes of crying nonstop, I just decided to end my suffering. I could be friends with Myrtle for real this way and no one would hurt me, well, physically at least. I got my bag and looked for my item in it. I would've used my wand but I can't hurt myself with my wand. My mother and father put a spell on my wand and made sure I wouldn't be able to do anything bad like hurting myself. But I still can get a knife. I pull out the switchblade and put it to my left wrist. I was going to press but I just stopped. I wanted to press, but a tiny voice in my head made me stop and think for a bit.

Fred POV

Y/n still hasn't come back yet. I wonder where she is? Thinking something is wrong, I get up and walk out of the hall, ignoring the questions from George. I wandered the halls. I was getting close to Myrtle's bathroom when I heard what sounded like a frustrated scream.

"UGH! WHY CAN'T I DO IT?!" the frustrated voice yelled. That voice sounded like Y/n.

So, on a very slim chance, I ran to the bathroom. I ran inside only to look around and found Y/n sitting in the corner with a knife to her left wrist as if she was about to cut herself. I run over to her and see that she hasn't cut. She hesitated.

"Y/n. Please. I'm begging you. Don't do this. It's not worth it. Whatever you think is wrong, I can help with. Please, don't leave me." I tell Y/n.


"Y/n. Please. I'm begging you. Don't do this. It's not worth it. Whatever you think is wrong, I can help with. Please, don't leave me." Fred tells me.

When this is said, I look up only to see the guy I have loved since first year, sitting in front of me with a worried and concerned expression across his face. I feel tears start to roll down my face again. I shook my head and was about to press into my skin when Fred grabbed my right hand and took the knife away from me and tossed it to the other end of the bathroom. He pulls me into his arms as I sob my eyes out.

After a few minutes, I stop crying and pull away from Fred. He looks at me and stares into my eyes.

"Why? Why did you try to hurt yourself, Y/n?" Fred asks me.

"I am worthless." I responded.

"Who says that?" Fred asks.

"Me." I responded.

Fred pulls me into another hug. Just then, he picks me up, and then he brings me to the Gryffindor common room. When we get there, he brings me up to his dorm and we sit on his bed. He sets me in his lap and holds me. Fred then starts to whisper sweet things in my ear.

"You are not worthless, Y/n. There is so much in you that is worth something. I will help you. Or I will try my best to help you get through this. You are beautiful. Anyone with eyes can see that. May I confess something?" Fred asks. I nod and look at him. He brings his hand and begins to stroke my cheek. "I love you, Y/n," Fred tells me.

Without even thinking, I respond. "I love you too, Fred." I told him.

Barely a second after I'm done, he smashes his lips against mine. Our lips move in sync with one another. All my horrible thoughts are gone when I'm with him.

Timeskip. Eight Years Later

Me and Fred got married four years ago. We have our oldest boy, two sets of twins and our youngest girl. Two twin boys and two twin girls. We had our oldest boy in our first year of marriage. Then our first set of twins, a year after that. Then two years later, our next twin girls. Then we had our youngest girl a year ago.

So, needless to say, my life is perfect. 

A/n: I hope you enjoyed this. In every single one of my stories, I out a tiny of myself in the reader's character. Thanks.

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