Chapter|14 ✨

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I woke up to the bed empty and Kian nowhere in sight. I change into a pair of shorts and a different t-shirt. Heading downstairs I see Kian standing at the stove flipping pancakes onto a plate. He didn't look at me but he said "I hope you like pancakes" turning around with 3 pancakes on a plate and handing me the syrup.

I sat down at the table and he joined me. I never scarfed down anything than the most delicious soft fluffy pancakes. He just looked and smiled at me continuing to his pancakes. Thank again for everything I tell him. " don't worry about it" "but can I ask what happened"

All this time I thought both my mother and brother were dead but I found my brother alive. then to come to find out my mother is alive too. She's the one who kidnapped me to get to my father. She set up a fake drug run and caught me. That's until I escaped and found my way here because of the gas station down the road. "I'm sorry to hear that"

We'll look at the time I better get going before Steele gets more worried. Can you drop me off at my father's? "Yeah no problem let me get my keys" he stands up and slips on his shoes and we walk out to the garage.

The car ride was silent but it wasn't uncomfortable. He dropped me at the gate so my father didn't have any questions.
When I walked through the door I was tackled to the ground by Grace. "Never leave me again," she tells me helping me stand up.

I called Steele to let him know I was at home safe. He was on the way to pick me up. My father wasn't home. But Grace told me he knew that I was safe.

After sitting in the living room spilling all the information to Grace about what happened. She was just as shocked as I was. " I can't believe your mother is still alive and your brothers have been helping her this whole time."

I hugged Grace goodbye again. Then walked down the front steps and got into Steele's car. He backed out and we were gone.

At the house, I and Steele are staying at I dropped my bag on the bed and headed to the bathroom. I stripped my clothes and hopped in the shower. I scrub until I couldn't scrub anymore. I felt violated by being tied because of my mother.

I tried going to sleep but I couldn't I tossed and turned all night. The fact that I can sleep better being next to Kian.
I fell asleep but I dreamt that my mother sent two guys after me again and I woke up. My phone read 7:45 am. Tried falling back to sleep but. No use.

Decided to go work out with Ashton. I wrote a note to Steele letting him know I was leaving. Before I stuck a knife in the side of my leggings.

Ashton had me start with punching the bag. Then more training. Finally, I gave up and put headphones on, and hit the treadmill.

After a few good hours, I went home to change. I was starving so I went to the diner down the road. The sweet lady placed me in a booth.

I ordered a burger and fries with a chocolate milkshake with a cherry. It may come as a shock I'm one of those people who can tie a cherry stem with my tongue.

Finishing up my fries and milkshake I noticed a guy come in I looked closer and it was Kian. In his leather jacket that you very rarely see him wearing.

I turned to look out the window but he noticed me. I saw him smirking walking his way over to me. "Wow, we got to stop running into each other" he laughs.

"How are you feeling," he asks me. Okay, I tell him. I worked out not that long ago.

The lady came back over to take his order. He got the same as I did but a strawberry milkshake.

When he got his order I stole his cherry. He took a bite of his sandwich and I told him to look I stuck my tongue with a tied cherry stem. "Impressive" he smirks and I smirk back at him with my arms folded.

Finishing up Kian pays for his and my food which I told him he didn't have to. Then he walks me out to my car. "Have a goodnight" he tells me and walks to his car.

At the house, Steele was waiting at the kitchen table with a bunch of photos sprawled out. "Good your home" I sat down opposite of him and he threw the photos down in front of me. They were a bunch of surveillance footage of me with Kian. And the most recent one of Kian walking me to my car at the diner.

I threw them down on the table and went to stand up until he grabbed my wrist and his grip tightened. "Let go your hurting me". "Not until you tell me what this is all about". I thought your family hated him and you know he's no good". "Especially my father and his father despise each other as well"

I yanked my wrist away and sat back down crossing my arms over my chest. There's not much to tell he just wanted to buy from me a few times and he needed a refill because he knows my father has the right stuff. Instead of the cheap shit from the lower side of town.

I may have lied a little because he doesn't need to know the truth but he just shook his head and I got up again and stormed out the door.

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