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please try to make your replies descriptive, minimum of 4-5 lines would be great. and please roleplay in third person as i am more comfortable with that. when it comes to grammar, i don't mind small mistakes but please make it easy to read. i usually write in all lowercase so i hope you don't mind it.


— when filling the forms, please make sure you fill in the important information. you don't have to exactly follow my forms, but i want to get the general idea about your character. a link to a picture or a faceclaim is more appreciated in "looks", but if there's none, then please be more detailed in describing their appearance (+personality as well).


— be creative! it's not a trait i possess, so someone has to be for the roleplay to go on. don't be afraid to add things to keep it interesting, but don't try to make it overly dramatic either.


— i'm a busy university student so i may not have time to reply frequently, so please be patient with me. you may tag me if i don't respond in five days, and i'm usually free on weekends. if i don't reply it's usually because i'm either too busy, i forgot about the roleplay, i don't know how to reply or i got bored of it.


— let me know when you're bored of the roleplay so we can add new ideas or just end it and start a new one. there's no limit to how many roleplays you can do at a time, but make sure they don't get mixed up.


— don't be shy to ask any questions you have or if you want the roleplay to go a certain way. let's make sure we both enjoy and have fun !


— i don't really roleplay nsfw, so it's better to skip if it ever gets to that point. i may sometimes do it though, so you can just ask first if you want to, it just depends on my mood i guess.


— please don't escalate things too fast and give my character some time to react. for example, if your character wants to leave the room, don't make them leave right away. maybe my character will do the dramatic 'grabs wrist to stop from leaving' move?


— i usually don't make scenarios for my characters, or when i do they don't really get us anywhere. so we can discuss and make a scenario together, or if you have a scenario you want us to play out, don't be afraid to let me know.


— the password is your current interest, write the password in this page and fill the forms in the next page.

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