four | the "villainess"

154 6 10

amelia lange

— amelia is a name with latin origins. amelia originally comes from the name amalia, which was derived from the germanic name amala. the root element amal means "work."
— the name lange is derived from the old german word "lang," which means "long," and it was a nickname for a very tall person.

she doesn't allow anyone except her family call her nicknames. everyone else calls her "lady lange" or "lady amelia" if they're close. her family usually calls her "lia" , but sometimes use petnames too.



september 20th





amelia is from edenbell, a powerful empire in the western region.


although amelia is a human, she possesses a huge amount of mana, but due to lack of training she can only do simple spells like levitation and so on. but she has the potential to become a powerful mage if she works for it.



▌𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓167 cm | 5'6

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167 cm | 5'6




amelia is very famous not only for being the daughter of one of the only two duke's of the empire, but also for her alluring beauty and intelligence. she's very cunning and has the ability to easily get what she wants, even if she has to get rid of other people getting in her way. but she's not so dangerous if you don't have the intention of harming her in the first place.
although she usually sits in the corner and watches other people in banquets or other social gatherings, she's pretty friendly to people that approach her. she's very respectful and classy towards others as well, no matter what their social status is. but she is very serious about setting boundaries and does not tolerate crossing the lines she has drawn between her and others. she won't hesitate to humiliate you in front of many people on one wrong move, so it's advised to be very careful around her.
amelia knows of her exceptional intelligence and is very much aware of her beauty as well, and she knows her worth very well, so she may come off as arrogant at times. she never forgets a good deed done towards her, and knows to always repay kindness. but at the same time, she knows to repay the people that approach her with bad intentions too.

amelia enjoys the attention she receives from other nobles, and loves the praises and words of admiration that are directed to her. she loves cute children, and is sometimes seen swarmed with a lot of small kids during her visit to the capital.

amelia doesn't like people that act too close with her and cross her lines, or people that are disrespectful towards her. she doesn't like the imperial family, especially their heirs.

due to her strong mana, amelia has the potential to be a powerful mage, but she is not interested in magic and finds training burdensome. amelia is good at talking her way out of things, and is good at lying without any problems.

amelia is weak against any good looking person, and one of the reasons she sits back to watch others during social gatherings is that she stares at pretty faces around.


amelia is the daughter of a powerful duke with a big influence. she had gained a lot of attention even before she had her social debut, but not a lot of people had the chance to see her since she never left the mansion when she was young.
as her mother was in poor health and had a weak body, she passed away when giving birth to amelia's brother. therefore, both children were raised by a nanny with a kind and nurturing nature. she raised them as if they were her very own children and protected them just like a mother would. with the affection and care she received from so many people, amelia grew up to be a beautiful young lady with elegance and admirable intelligence.

amelia's biggest fear would be losing the people she cares about. she also worries that she might get married off to the imperial family as she has reached the age, knowing that they have the support of duke lange.

amelia has the habit of humming a simple tune sometimes, it's a song which her nanny used to sing to her when she was a child.

amelia likes to read inside her room, or take a walk in her garden in her free time. she also enjoys horseback riding and takes part in annual hunting competitions, though she feels a little out of place sometimes as almost all of the competitors are men.

she doesn't have any allergies that she knows of.


— father | raymond lange
amelia's father is one of the only two dukes in the empire, he's has the power that can even threaten the imperial family. he's very caring towards amelia and she's not afraid to speak her concerns or complaints to him. although strict at times, he works hard so his children will have a great future ahead.

— mother | penelope lange [deceased]

— younger brother | elijah lange
despite his young age, elijah is one of the strongest knights in the imperial palace. the twenty year old is known as a hero throughout the whole empire, and is admired for his exceptional skills. but when it comes to his personality, he's shy and has a puppy-like personality. he gets embarrassed when complimented and is very fun to tease. amelia and elijah have a good sibling relationship, and elijah is very protective of his older sister.

— rachel
rachel is amelia's personal maid with a commoner background. she's a cheerful young lady that has the tendency to talk a little too much, but amelia enjoys her bright energy nonetheless. she's trustworthy and responsible and is good at her job, even though she's only started working in the mansion in the recent years.
— aisha elrod
aisha is amelia's closest friend, they're almost always together in gatherings and visit each other frequently. aisha is the only person aside from her family to be able to call her by a nickname, and the only person to know about amelia's worries and fears.

amelia has a lot of people that she dislikes, but nothing comes close to the hostility she has towards the imperial family.

queen is a bird with beautiful golden feathers and shiny eyes that amelia got as a present on her 14th birthday.

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