three | the popular student

174 2 36

kai johnson

— the name "kai" appears to have roots in a great variety of cultures. in hawaiian culture, it means "sea." in japanese culture, "shell." in europe, kai is perceived as having frisian roots, a short form of the name kaimbe, meaning "warrior."
— johnson is an english patronymic name meaning "son of john (gift of god)." the name john derives from the latin johannes, which is derived from the hebrew yohanan meaning "jehovah has favored".

as kai's name is already short, he usually doesn't get called any nicknames, though he'd love to have a cute one.



june 17th





european american




▌𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓177cm | 5'9

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177cm | 5'9

he's got one on his knee from falling on the ground while playing as a kid, and another near his eye from falling and hitting a furniture. he falls a lot.



from the first time people see kai, they immediately understand why he's the most popular kid at school. he's got the looks, he's got the good grades, he's extremely nice and he's the teacher's pet. he's friendly to everyone and is very kind. in fact, he's kind to a fault sometimes.
if you ask the other students what they like about him the most, they'd probably talk about his calm and pure aura. he's like the phrase 'good boy' personified, they've never heard him curse or get angry throughout their high school years.
although kai is almost always surrounded by a lot of people, and is seen talking and laughing with a bunch of other kids in the hallways, he wouldn't consider any of them as a friend. of course, with a bunch of people admiring him, there's also just as many people that hate him, which includes the same people that follow him around and smile at his face while badmouthing him behind his back in the same breath. kai knows about all the things that they say behind his back, but doesn't say anything and lets them be, though it doesn't mean that their words hurt any less.

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