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After my powers were taken away, I couldn't do anything without them. I felt hopeless, now this crazy snake emperess has my fire and is causing caos with my fire! It enraged me more than my hot-headed self is. Once we finally defeated her, it took a while for my powers to return. I once again, even though my powers returned, could hardly make any fire. I can't stand it! My power is so weak and all it did in someone else's hands was cause trouble. That's all fire is ever good for! Fire is used to burn villages, kill animals, and does nothing but cause trouble!
I remember how when my powers were returning in the other dimension, while searching for Zane, that all I did was slack off. Thanks to that, I couldn't even save a small village. That's all I thought while sleeping on my bunk-bed on the bounty. It was early morning, around 3, and I just layed there on my back facing the botton of the top bunk bed. I got up and went to the deck and started training. I went from one thing to another, and everytime I landed on my butt, I ended up engulfing the whole thing in flames. By the time it was 3:40, Most of the training equiptment was ashes, or halfly burnt. I screamed out in pure rage, yet nobody seemed to wake up. They could all sleep through a tornado and wouldn't know about it, even zip-zappy and rock-head definetly could.
We had rested on the ocean, letting the waves take us. Since it's a stuggle now to leave the bounty flying or to leave it on a mountain, we just settle down in the ocean sometimes. I got mad and lost my temper, I was mad of all the destruction I carelessly caused. Then without thinking, a ring of fire went around me and the pressure from the heat made me stumble backwards. I ended up tripping on one of Jay's nunchucks he left lying around and went overboard. I hit the water and it hit me, I had fallen into the ocean. I finally realized what had happened, I tried keeping above water and ended up trying to create flames to cause the water to head and keep me above float, but it was too hot. Even for me. It was about to be 5 and I was running out of energy trying to swim, which I couldn't so I was surprised I made it this far. I felt as my body's energy vanished and I felt the coldness of the ocean swallow me entirely. I was a good ways under when I felt something swoop me up from underwater. It was Nia, apparently when I fell she heard the splash and could already smell smoke from the burnt training equiptment anyways.
When she brought me up back to the bounty I was out of breath, coughing up water, you name it. "Kai what happened? Most of all why is everything burnt uphere!?" Nia said waiting until I could talk. "I couldn't sleep, then I tripped over Zappy's nunchucks." I replied. Nia looked at me sternly, letting me know not to call Jay names. As much as I do it, Cole does it more, so I didn't see a problem anyways. "You need to control your element more,Kai. Your temper is getting out of control" she said while making sure I was looking up at her. I got up and turned around facing back at her, "I didn't ask for this element anyways", then I went inside the bounty. I didn't really lie about what I said, who would want fire to help bring peace to Ninjago. They would want fire to destroy it, which is what my element does best. When I went inside Zane and Lloyd were heading up to start breakfast. "Greetings Kai" Zane said then Lloyd followed with an "What are you doing up this early?". "Mind your own buisness, and I'll mind mine." I said sternly while walking off in the other direction. I could tell they stopped and watched me walk back into the bedroom.
When I got back into the room Cole was about to scare Jay awake, I watched from the doorway and continued to walk towards my things. Cole screamed and tackled Jay, "What do you think your doing Cole!", "Just waking up sleeping dummy" Cole replied in a childish tone. Jay chased Cole out of the room, and they probably went up for breakfast or morning sessions. I wanted to leave, what's the point in a Ninja who ends up destroying everything. I grabbed my bag, backed my weapons and almost all my belongings that could fit in a few bags, and snuck out into the back of the bounty. I summoned by elemental dragon, loaded my things, then flew away. I didn't want to say goodbye, they wouldn't let me leave. This is the best way things can be.

This is the end of chapter 1, I hope you enjoy it so far. This is my first Ninjago story and I really enjoy making them. I would love some feedback on things you would like to see in future chapters. This is not complete and I will always be updating it and adding more chapters.

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