Mission Retrieval

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I lyed in the bed for a bit, since I still believed that they would leave after retrieving Zane. I remembered the blue one named Jay, and the one who was here named Zane. The rest is just this weird nastolgic feeling, but Clouse assured me that it was just a headache. I was told to continue to rest, since I would just put stress on my body. As I tried to go back to sleep, I heard loud noises comming from the hallway. Then the door to the medical room slammed open, and all of that group of ninja ran in. "Jay, Cole, grab him!" The blonde one yelled. I was too weak but jumped and tried getting out of their grasp. I then was trapped in something that wouldn't allow me to use my fire, but for some reason I was fine with it? I stared at the green one, "Lloyd we should leave" Zane said. I know knew the names of Cole,Jay, Zane, and Lloyd; but who was this other girl? I was then lead to that bounty of theirs, as I was forced to follow I could hardly feel my legs.
Once on the bounty, I was kept above deck. Then Chen and Clouse followed behind, they trailed us all the way until we were flying over nothing but ocean. "Jay shoot them down with lightning, Zane, watch Kai!" Lloyd yelled. "Affirmative, Cole and Nia, assist Lloyd" Zane said comming towards me. He just stood by my side incase anyone tried to come get me. Why did the name Nia sound so familiar, "Metal man" I said looking at Zane. "Yes, Kai?" he said a little too sweetly. "Who are you guys?" I asked,"I want to hear both sides" I said. "You truely do not remember?" He said, "I remember what I do, but I'm just meeting you guys the past few days" I said. He told me we were 'friends, family, and brothers'. I was confused on how their story was very different from Chen's. Then I saw as Clouse sent some shadow figures over holding Nia, Jay, and Cole down. Clouse then took on fighting Zane, then Lloyd came to help Zane since he was in a bit of a hassle. I stood not knowing what to do, then Chen came into my vision. "Congrats Kai! Your final mission begins now" Chen said cheerfully, I could see as everyones attention while fighting had an ear on what he way saying. "What is it?" I asked, "Jump overboard" Chen replied to me. I knew I couldn't swim, "Master Chen, you know I can't swim!" I said loudly to try to persuade him to change his words. I tried to step towards him, then felt a sharp pain in my arm. It felt as if it was being cut off, and then my sleeve had a growing blood spot around the shooting pain. I scuffed in pain and yelled in agony, then fell backwards falling from the bounty in the air into the water.
I felt as my blood went into the water around me, it was warm and somewhat comforting. I closed me eyes, but then felt as my mind went blank. It felt as if I was becomming a fishtank with no way of escaping, only one useable arm, which was of no good for a swim-less fish. I woke up with new memories, my old memories. I didn't feel my arm though. I looked around and remembered the room, it was the medical room on the bounty. My home, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was foolishly used though. It was no excuse to say I was tricked, I willingly joined Chen in the beginning. I ran away and shot flames at my friends, then I remembered what had happened. I could visually remember how it was falling deeper and deeper into the water. I then looked at my arm, it was all swollen, but mostly wrapped up in bandages. I then saw as Zane walked into the room with the others. I could tell Jay was uncomftorable, I remembered what I had done.

"Jay I.."

"It's fine kai, don't worry about it, it wasn't you when it happened" Jay said looking away from me.

"You don't understand! I joined Chen willingly and then was too foolish to be tied up in his mess! It was me and there's no doubt in my mind it wasn't! I yelled.

Jay walked out, "Not the right time Kai.." Nia said and followed after Jay. Zane asked me to sit up if I could, and Cole and Lloyd held me up on both sides to help. "The marks are gone, you should be alright." Zane said. "Why did you leave in the first place buddy?" Cole asked. "Yea, and be honest with us this time Kai" Lloyd added in. I didn't want to tell the truth, but I didn't want to lie. "I didn't want to use my fire, and I still don't. I thought you guys would look down on my for being so disgusted and having so much hatred for my own elemental power" I said as I looked down at the blanket covering my bruised, scarred legs. "Why do you think that Kai?" Lloyd asked. I told them that after my powers were taken away and used for destruction, and then how my fire couldn't save the village from the ice dragon, I held a hatred towards it. That even now I feel the same after what it was used for by Chen. They assured me that it was okay, but that I shoudln't hold a grudge towards it. It took a few days being in recovery, and then a few weeks to get my body used to moving again. Over that time I meditated a few mintues a day with Cole or Lloyd, trained with Zane, and then relaxed with all 5 of them. Yet Pixel had left not long ago, and Master Wu and Misako were still gone, but I felt at peace now. I was home.

This is my first Ninjago story, and I hope you guys liked it. I wasn't sure which direction to take the story, and I know it jumped around a few times. There are some gaps but I tried to keep it at a minimum. Thankyou if you've read this far and please leave any comments about any improvemnets I can do and what you would like to see in the future.

Quick Question: Who's your favorite Ninja and why?

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