Back Again

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I flew off, and I could hear Jay screaming out to me from the bounty. I look back to see most of my friends looking back at me. In that moment I was hesitant, but I wanted them not to see me go. I used my fire which I dread deeply, to finally cover me running away like a coward. I blasted fire at the bounty, it was on water so it would be fine. I blasted it perfectly so that my friends would have a blocked vision of me flying away, and that it would cause the bounty to move the other way. The instant I blasted the fire at the bounty, I turned my elemental dragon around and flew away. I got to an island that was not well known, but I had found it a few months back while flying around for the heck of it. I landed and my elemental dragon vanished, leaving me and a few bags. I didn't bring any electronics, not even a GPS. I didn't want Zane nor Pixel to be able to track me down. I packed my weapons, some food and water, a blanket, my ninja cloak, and some other things. Of course I also packed hair gel, I couldn't forget that. I'm already wearing my ninja suit, the cloak was just so I could go unnoticed in Ninjago. It's a deep-red cloak, with a hood that was good enough to shadow my face. I set up camp on the island under a few trees then set up a tarp I brought as a roof and put some wood on top. I worked in a blacksmith shop for a while, so I know how to make things and be independent. Plus, I used to be a ninja. I coudln't bring myself to face being a ninja who had hatred towards his own elemental powers.
As I set up camp, I saw a portal open a distance away from me. Out stepped Clouse and Chen, Clouse had created a portal and found me. "Weren't you sent to another realm! What are you doing here?" I said confused yet sternly. "Ohhh! I heard from some others what happened with your firee! Someone bailed us free and here we are!" Chen said somewhat happily back at me. "Yes, we want you to join us. We failed in our last mission, but with you and my magic Chen believes we can take over Ninjago once more." Clouse said at me. I could somehow see truth in their eyes, "I no longer am using my fire, all it does it cause distruction." I replied. "That's why we need you!" Chen said. "If I do, nothing happens to the Ninja or Skylar. Deal? I got nothing to loose." I said, and they agreed. I didn't believe it was the right choice, but I'm not a ninja anymore, and I already caused distruction before. I had done so much, I'm always angry too. Sounds too good to be true for a villian. It's just for now though, I think I can back out at any time. If not I will just disappear again, even though it hurt the first time, it wouldn't the second. Clouse then did some spells and created a new base, and Chen put me and Clouse as his second in commands.
I picked a room in the building and made it my own. Then Clouse custom-designed it with spells for me. I sat down, and then was told by Chen that I could hold off on using my elemental powers, but I had to use them in combat and when he told me to. I set up my stuff, I didn't bring much but Clouse wouldn't do any more spells for now. Him and Chen agreed to not tell me all their plans, since to them I'm still a ninja. Ninja or not, I won't use my fire unless Chen wants me too. He understands that, no matter how evil he is he understands and gives me a place to stay. While promising not to hurt my friends, and I can live with that. I was given 3 days before I had to use my fire for 3 days off-and-on, so I decided to go into Ninjago City. I grabbed my cloak then grabbed some money from my bag. I summoned my elemental dragon, then flew to an area outside Ninjago City. Once I landed, I went the rest on foot to not indicate me being a ninja with a fire dragon and all. I went into the bank first to grab some more money. I grabbed what I needed then I went into a few stores to purchase items like clothing and hair gel. I mean, I never know when I could run out.
I still felt guilty for joining with Chen, but he doesn't get bothered that I don't like my element like the others would. The other ninja would try to talk some 'sence' into me, if their elements caused so much damage and couldn't save a single village from being frozen, they wouldn't like theirs either.
I grabbed what I needed and headed back to the island, which by this time was crawling with Chen's new soldiers, and Clouse had made more buildings with his magic. I trained a bit for the next 2 days with my sword trying not to rely on my fire at all. I was pretty successful, even not using spinjitsu. I would still use it if I had too, but in normal cases that I didn't, I wouldn't. It was the fourth day and Chen immedietly sent me and a few other men to  a bank heist. I wasn't a fan of it, but it's the least I could do. I wouldn't have an option soon anyways. As me and Chen's men went into the band, we soon got the money we needed. As I turned around I watched as the front of the bank was quickly covered in ice. I knew it had to be Zane, he's the only explanation. I can't use my fire, they'll know it's me, and I swore I wouldn't use it. I told Chen's men to head to the back, since I knew there was a back enterence not many knew about. As we went out the back door, we were almost to the helicopter we took to the bank that Chen somehow had. However, as I was about to get into the helicopter, I felt ice form around me. My cloak was on covering my face, and I turned around to see all of the ninja. I saw Nia and turned back quickly, Chen's men quickly broke me free with their weapons and I jumped in. As the helicopter flew away, the only one who followed was Lloyd. He was trying to get us in the air on his dragon. Luckily, Clouse was in the front of the helicopter and stuck Lloyd down. I said it's lucky since I wouldn't want to be the one to strike him down, plus the others caught him so he was fine.
As the helicopter landed, I followed Clouse to Chen. Chen was a bit too happy, but serious. "You'll be so happy former fire ninja! Your now one of us!" Chen said. "What do you mean?-" then I felt as Clouse bounded me with his magic, and Chen's men came from behind pulling down my top revealing my back. Chen then allowed Clouse to perfrom a spell to mark my back with the symbol which had no more use to them other to identify themselves. I was shocked that they wouldn't tell me before, I should've known this was a bad idea. Then Clouse performed another spell, leaving a chain-shape mark underneath the left side of my top arm. That new mark would now not let me go against Chen's orders, it was a trap. He didn't really understand me, nor did he actually trust me enough. He had to mark me so I didn't have any say in it. I felt sick as I sternly looked back at Chen and Clouse after the men had released me, I was a prisoner.

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